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Ridgewood Public Schools Names Dr. Jean Schoenlank, Principal of Ridge School, as the Recipient of this Year’s Ashby Award

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photo courtesy of Ridgewood Public Schools

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ashby Award was established in 1966 to honor former Superintendent Lloyd W. Ashby and his wife, Lois, for their distinguished service to the community. The recipient is selected from nominees submitted by staff members and is someone who, in the opinion of his or her peers, has carried on our district’s long tradition of service and contribution. This is the highest honor that the Ridgewood Public Schools can bestow on a staff member.
The district names Dr. Jean Schoenlank, Principal of Ridge School, as the recipient of this year’s Ashby Award. Congratulations, Dr. Schoenlank!

8 thoughts on “Ridgewood Public Schools Names Dr. Jean Schoenlank, Principal of Ridge School, as the Recipient of this Year’s Ashby Award

  1. Put on your face masks your dumb assess!

  2. Mask it or casket Dan.

  3. No masks ?

    I think Jean went to Northern Highlands HS.

  4. Dan, Jean, cover up – your hypocrisy is showing! Maybe one of them is Pelosi’s third-cousin or something…that would make sense.

  5. Proving once again that your level of education, and or degrees held, have no bearing on how much common sense you have.

  6. Role models they’re not.

  7. Hey, go easy on the mask thing. Perhaps they were set up like Nancy was?

  8. Oh my god, put on masks people. DO IT. NOW

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