March 18, 2020
Dear Ridgewood School Community,
I want to thank parents and caregivers for partnering with us to continue educating our students. We fully recognize the heavy lift we are asking of you and appreciate your assistance and input on how we can do things better. In the days and weeks to come, news about the spread of COVID-19 will likely intensify due to increased testing. However, by practicing social distancing and following preventive measures, we can flatten the curve of coronavirus. Our actions now will contribute to our recovery later.
SCHOOL PROPERTY: As a reminder, if you see people congregating on district or Village fields, playgrounds, tennis and basketball courts, please contact the police. The non-emergency phone number is 201-652-3900. Please remind your children that closures and social distancing measures are in place to protect everyone, and it is vital that everyone adhere to the restrictions issued. Going out for a bike ride, walk, or run and meeting up with someone defeats the purpose.
REMINDER: Please sign up for the Village E-Notice System if you have not yet done so and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
- Sign up for Village E-Notice System – https://www.ridgewoodnj.net/village-info/enotices-and-alerts-registration.
- Twitter Accounts – @RwdPub Schools and @RWDSupt
- District Facebook Page – @RidgewoodPublicSchools.
The best way to access the Google sites for home instruction (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12) is to visit the district homepage at www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us. If any students in your household are experiencing distress, please reach out as soon as possible. We have implemented alternative means to provide essential student support services so that our students come out of this closure mentally strong.
ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION: The Annual School Election is Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Given the current circumstances and the uncertainty about the upcoming weeks, we are attaching an application for Vote by Mail Ballot. The deadline to apply for the Vote by Mail Ballot for the Annual School Election is Tuesday, April 14, 2020. For more information and to view detailed Vote by Mail instructions, click here to visit the Bergen County website.
DISTRICT COMMUNICATION SURVEY: The District Communication Survey is open through March 23. If you have not yet completed the survey, please take a few minutes to do so. Click here to access the survey.
- Old fashioned jigsaw puzzles. There is nothing quite like working as a family on a jigsaw puzzle while eating a crunchy chocolate chip cookie with a beverage of your choice. I hear there is a company that can get you your puzzle the next day.
Other things you can do (not my original ideas):
- Keep moving! It’s sunny today with some rain on the way. Get outside.
- How about some classic movies? The Sound of Music (explain the historical context), Lawrence of Arabia (with an intermission for dinner), or The Wizard of OZ
- No baked goods today. Make fresh fruit salad. Using a knife is a skill that only a parent can teach.
- Closets cleaned? Everything drawer organized? Time to tackle the garage. Feel free to send pictures. We would be happy to tweet how productive our families have been.
- Remember the Ridgewood Public Library has online resources.
- Keep making phone calls and connecting with friends and family.
Over the years, the Ridgewood businesses have generously supported all of our RPS parents and students. It is now our turn to support them as much as possible. They need our help now and will need it during the economic recovery!
Be well!
Daniel Fishbein, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools
C: Ridgewood Board of Education
Dr. Wayne Yankus, District Physician
Ms. Dawn Cetrulo, Village of Ridgewood Health Officer/Director