Ridgewood Schools 2013-2014 Preliminary $ 91,287,513 Budget
Following a detailed presentation by Assistant Superintendent Angelo DeSimone and a presentation by Superintendent Dan Fishbein on the types of cuts that a zero percent growth budget would require, the Board approved a resolution adopting the 2013-2014 school district preliminary proposed budget, as follows, for submission to the Executive County Superintendent:
Budget $ 91,287,513
Tax Levy $84,608,635
Special Revenue Fund 1,464,288
Debt Service Fund 3,733,973
Debt Service Tax Levy 3,239,342
Total Budget $96,485,774
Total Budget Tax Levy $87,847,977
This budget reflects a two percent tax increase, which would impact the average Ridgewood home, evaluated at $687,364, by $203.63 per year.
On Tuesday, April 16, the following question will be presented to the voters of Ridgewood Village for their approval: There should be raised for the General Fund Tax Levy $84,608,635 for the ensuing School Year: (2013-2014).
That’s where my money goes, to buy my baby …..
Notice there that the TOTAL budget is about $5 million higher than the prelim number, but who’s counting? Probably not most taxpayers… and that’s the problem. More, more, more — Didn’t somebody say that’s unsustainable?