photos by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Central Business District saw its second round of “Ridgewood for Black Liberation ” protests on Saturday . Many merchants were furious with the Village over the last minute warning . many now threatening to leave the CBD for good. The current murmur is that the Village of Ridgewood has seen its day grows louder and louder by the minute .Residents already reeling from COVID-19 lockdown ,fearing the Murphy property tax surcharge are stepping up their escape plans .
Mayor Susan Traina Knudsen looked to head off additional furry stated in a post on Facebook , “In the spirit of heading off further community divisiveness due to a lack of context for the letter posted, I offer some information.
During a recent meeting with CBD business leaders, we learned of reports from citizens of a few acts of harassment that took place during a recent demonstration. The letter posted here was requested by the business leaders who asked that this specific guidance be sent to the CBD business owners, who were not sure of what to do when their patrons were suddenly faced with these types of fleeting situations.
Village officials, in an effort to help facilitate the needs of all residents, also reached out to the protesters offering ACLU guidance as well as our own in order to help them put forth their message in a productive, yet peaceful manner. We are working with the business owners and our community, including the protesters, in order for everyone’s needs to be respected and supported. It is our job to see to the needs of all and keep the peace.”
Ugh talk about a day late and a dollar short ,with the central business district once again shouldering the burden .
This time protesters were greeted by a few hecklers in the crowd and concerns have been raised again over public safety if a counter demonstration were to show up . Parents of protesters may find themselves on the hook for damages.
Protesters brought a long a few “African Americans” to colorize the white only crowd . Protesters again shouted “Ridgewood Check Your Privilege” , funny coming from a bunch of white kids who don’t have to work on Saturdays .One observer surmised looking at the crowd that ,”The Black Lives Matter movement is mostly white girls angry at their dad” .
It does seem odd that with Paterson only several miles from Ridgewood ,filled with so many disenfranchised and needy people that the local youth could not focus their energies on something a bit more productive . The time for protests has clearly past, and if its fundamental change you want it is going to take more than some parentaly sponsored virtue signaling .
However change starts with education , and clearly Ridgewood Schools have failed these children .Manipulated by parents, educators and alumni for the second time in as many weeks the protester wittingly put themselves in harms way. Yes nothing has happened, yet. This is an invitation to disaster !
Brainwashing begins much earlier than most people realize. You can insulate your young child with this book…
If these snowflakes really cared about black people, they would be spending time in Paterson, tutoring and mentoring under-privileged black children. But these phonies won’t do that. ever,
My uncle was a freshman at Georgetown when Pearl Harbor happened. As the story goes, he enlisted and was sent to boot camp somewhere in the south. He was pulled out of camp was told that he would take a crash course in Japanese in order to become a translator. He did all of that and shipped out to the Philippines.
When he came home he used the GI Bill to pick up a couple of degrees including a doctorate in Economics. He also earned his JD. Quite a life. He kept his mouth shut and did what was told. Still plenty of opportunities out there…
The event was fine. Everyone was exercising their legal right to voice their opinions. Even the loud guy along the sidelines. Plenty of police present. Good job by all.
what a joke…arrest them for disruping the police…entitled idiots
if they feel energized and want to make themselves feel useful, find a charity, collect food and clothing and really help people. This kind of behavior is just a cry for attention and helps NO ONE. It is actually embarrassing to some of our black community. It certainly is not making a difference!!!
Ridiculous who’s paying the overtime the police department and emergency services putting up barricades. We’re going to do this every Saturday. This is going to get expensive. Does the Village of Ridgewood have this in their budget. Because I’m sure this is setting up I don’t line item in the budget.
you are
Was anyone from kindness brigade present at this march?
the Village is going down the tubes
We need to create a rule that demonstrations have to have a permit. And have to be held outside police station.
These entitled little snowflakes have no clue. There are so many opportunities to volunteer and no much need for help and all these little brats can do is go into town and throw a collective tantrum. Smh.
If the merchants have an issue with the protest, we can start boycotting them! …#lifelongvillager! …#BLM !… #ALM! …#SupporttheYouth! #TimefirRidgewoodtoBetheChange!
All the Bergen County Democrats can get out there and support BLM! Screw over your township businesses on a Saturday! Great job and great support of your community.
Keep going and don’t forget to vote
For Murphy again
“We need to create a rule that demonstrations have to have a permit. And have to be held outside police station”.
Hope you don’t teach U.S. Constitution.
For all those saying these so-called privileged kids (who are at least using their time to advocate for change on their Saturdays rather than spending it riding their $300 bikes around Ridgewood without a mask or a helmet), what are you doing to make change? If you care so much about charity for under-served communities in Northern NJ, I encourage you to donate to this local organization:
If the merchants have an issue with the protest, we can start boycotting them! …#lifelongvillager! …#BLM !… #ALM! …#SupporttheYouth! #TimefirRidgewoodtoBetheChange!
or you will break their front windows or burn their businesses. radical leftist anti family/american.
Its all an illusion. BLM is BS.
There are so many real issues in this world.
You must be a privileged white person!
nothing says “white privilege” more than a protests in Ridgewood ….LOL
No permitting to have such large protests? Disrupting the already hurt businesses. Who will go eat in town outside between this BS, large groups of kids on bikes riding and almost hitting cars and people.
The town needs to keep their protesting to one location that will not interfere with diners.