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Ridgewood Superintendent of Schools Back to School Greeting

Dan Fishbein 10

Summer is quickly coming to an end and the opening day of school, September 5th, is nearly here. We have all been working hard to ensure that our buildings and programs are ready for the first day of school.

Most importantly, on the instructional front our teachers and administrators have been busy writing new curriculum and improving existing curriculum at all grade levels. We have revised programs in the arts and music, science and mathematics, computer science and technology, elementary STEAM, social studies, world languages, wellness, high school English, literacy and digital citizenship. We also have our new staff in place and have provided them with a four-day orientation induction program so they are ready to go.

On the security and safety front, this summer we installed a new exterior visitor management system at all of our schools. Visitors will now be required to swipe their driver’s license through a reader prior to being buzzed in and reporting directly to the main office (or entry station at Ridgewood High School) to receive their visitor’s badge. New protocols mean that neglecting to go immediately to the main office could result in a building lockdown. More information on this new system and other safety improvements will be shared later.

Mandatory re-registration through Skyward is now open and ongoing through midnight on Tuesday, September 4. Below you will find details on Skyward re-registration, as well as useful information from the Board of Education and the Ridgewood Education Foundation. You will also find the school year calendar, Back to School Night dates and a preview of an important community outreach fall program for parents and guardians featuring notable speaker Michele Borba, Ed.D. on Tuesday, October 2 at 7 p.m. in the George Washington Middle School Auditorium. In preparation for Dr. Borba’s talk you might wish to start reading her book, UnSelfies: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me, Plugged-In, Trophy-Driven World. This engaging book will also be the topic of a community discussion hosted by our Ridgewood Public Schools administrators at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 30, also at George Washington Middle School.

Many other updates and news items may be found on our district website and individual school pages. Please feel free to reach out to me at with any suggestions, questions or concerns.

Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year and I hope it will be a great school year for everyone!

Dr. Daniel Fishbein
201-670-2700, ext. 10530


One thought on “Ridgewood Superintendent of Schools Back to School Greeting

  1. As if we care about anything this man would have to say. Give it a rest James.

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