August 31,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, In preparation for road paving, on Monday, August 29th milling and paving will begin on Kenilworth Road, Linwood Avenue (between Oak and Maple) and Robinson Lane (between Walnut and Cottage ). See planned schedule below.
Schedule –
August 29th – Kenilworth – Milling
August 30th – Kenilworth – Paving
August 31st – Linwood (Oak to Maple), Robinson (Walnut to Cottage) – Milling
September 1st – Linwood (Oak to Maple), Robinson (Walnut to Cottage) – Paving
This work could take several days.
Please allow time for potential delays in traveling on or near these roads.
This should be very closely watched for the quality of materials used. This village’s roads are all broken and in disarray. The quality of materials used and workmanship is questionable.
Write to council, village engineer, and village manager and see what they say.
just repave the parking lots,
10:43 -it won’t help. Have tried that.
10.43 so entering a paved clearly marked system of car spaces won’t help ..what planet does that apply to?. Something that can be plowed without digging for the center of the earth through frozen ice would also be a positive change.
3:07… try to fully read and carefully follow the comments… THEN post your comment.
why do they do all these repairs when school starts and there is a lot more traffic- creates more havoc. whats wrong with all these roads anyway – seems like they are constantly, every year – ripping up the roads……..
pepave the parking lots in the c b d,
yeah hello to all, cheep bid gets the job. so cheeper materials.
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh,oh well. so it will not last long, oh well, pave it in a few years,oh well. like i said,oh well.