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Ridgewood Year End leaf Update

leaf3 pickup 1

file photo by Boyd Loving

LEAF UPDATE (12/21/17)

December 27,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Here is the newest leaf of date as per the Village Hall ; as of 12/21/17 we are currently working in Area D. It is anticipated that we will begin collection in Area A on Wednesday, December 27th. After Area A is completed we will perform a final collection through Area C, Area, D, Area B and Area A weather permitting. You can always bag your leaves in paper biodegradable bags or bring leaves to the Recycling Center. The hours of operation at the Recycling Center are Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. If you bag your leaves please call the Street Division at (201) 670-5585 and we will collect them up to February 28th.

24 thoughts on “Ridgewood Year End leaf Update

  1. What the ……!! First they say after Jan 1 the whole town. Hey, ! Please Bring Roberta Sonnenfeld back. She had leaves and everything else down pat. What was cute phrase she coined; No leaf will be left behind, or something. Now I gotta get my leaves out, TODAY and freeze my ass. I wasn’t plannin on today. I live in section A and I am OLD. F. a duck, ya know.

    F…K them all with saying YOU CAN ALWAYS Bring your leaves TO recycling center. God DAmmit, that is damn difficult. Why cant they set a schedule and stick with it. Shit heads. They weren’t on time with one leaf collection schedule this fall. Well ya know what, they the councild and village manager can come to my house, pack up my leaves and take them to the recycling center if it’s so easy. The assholes.

    And there sure wasn’t any TAX RAISE with last council. How in the f….K are they going to pay to ruin woodsy Schedler with a sports field and golden bathrooms and huge parking spaces. So what if sports field is a little smaller it still destroys any wildlife eagles there and takes away trees.

    By golly oh jolly, nature is dirt and mud and dead trees SLOWLY transforming into richsoil. THAT is what the EARTH is fuck heads. And if you don’t like it get to another planet.

    Hey! I disagreed with Sonnenfeld and previous council vision for the town big time. But HEY, even she wasn’t going to tear away at the islands by the train station and say a narrow path was just as good.
    One council was honest in how they wanted to destroy charming unique Ridgewood, and one isn’t. Only difference, main difference that I can see.

    And keepin taxes DOWN. And collecting leaves ON TIME. Hey!! bein grateful for what Roberta did right. That’s the Christmas spirit.

    I can’t get over it: Take the leaves yourself to the recycling center. Ya know what!! I ain’t pickin one little leaf off of my yard and puttin it out. In spring I will just mulch them with a mower.

    1. you will be paying the bills from Roberta for years to come, Roberta is with you in spirit

  2. And there won’t be any bills from this council. Santa Claus will pay for Schedler and for tearin away islands at train station. And Schedler won’t cost a penny, as Sedon said it will be paid for over the years. So the money doesn’t count. Where I come from it counts big time.

    And old people don’t count. They can drop dead bringin leaves outside at unscheduled time in arctic temps. You know what, family members were going to help me this weekend, but now that will be too late. But I won’t do it. The council and manager can come to my house and do it for me or I will mulch in spring.

  3. Rome is burning. We told you the villages in a shit storm. Lack of employees, and lack of knowledge. The boys cannot do a man’s job.

  4. “Roberta was a thief’ cannot be the justification for what has been a TERRIBLE leaf collection process.

  5. Roberta had NOTHING “down pat.” She was a TRAIN WRECK EXTRAORDINAIRE.

  6. God damn it. I want the leaves to be picked up after Jan 1 as the manager promised. There is no excuse for the present council’s shitty sloppy inability to pick up leaves. They can not do that simple task. I was stupid to mention Roberta, because you ass kissers of the present council don’t want to hear any criticism of them. well, they are an incompetent bunch of clowns, who can’t even get the leaves right.

    I don’t pay a service to do any of my yard work. I am not a spoiled physically weak wimp. And because I do it myself I expect the town to comply in a responsible manner. THERE IS NO sense of RESPONSIBILITY in the village manager. Go ahead and defend her and while you are at it. Pick up my leaves.

  7. Oh I get it!! Excuse me for being naive and slow. But I old. I get it now. You guys like the leaf pickup sloppiness. You don’t have to worry about getting fined for putting leaves out at the wrong time; you don’t have to obey any rules or the law. In other words where I come from and the way I was brought up, we call you guys who don’t want to obey rules and law SCUM SCUM. You don’t want to ration water in summer either and be fined if you water when you are not supposed to. You don’t believe in nature and nature being finite and the idea that there is a limit to water. You are SCUM SCUM spoiled rotten with bad bad upbringing. RICH EASTERN SCUM SCUM


  9. I don’t know what the heck you whiners are complaining about with the leaves. My husband and I do our own leaves. We do not pay a landscaper. We are not young. But we manage just fine. We put the leaves out during the designated time frames for our area, and lo and behold the town picked them up. Each time. And then there was a late leaf-drop so people began to complain. And what does the Village Manager do? She offers an ADDITIONAL pickup for the entire town, so no one has to have leaves lying around on their lawns through the winter. This struck me as very accommodating, and I was frankly shocked at how much pushback she got from the residents. What the heck is the matter with people?

  10. How come they stop picking up leaves on weekends, all the towns work on weekends. Are you telling us the taxpayers you don’t have the funds to pay the workers work weekends, because that’s all bullshit. The mayor council should be ashamed of themselves. We the taxpayers look down at the roster that’s in the street department and they are down to eight or nine employees. From 28, why is this why aren’t we replacing employees that retired in the past 10 years. What the hell is going on my taxes are not going down. We gladly replace workers Village hall, fire department, Police Department, the water department, something is very wrong here we think this present manager has been listening to someone that’s giving her a bullshit story.The taxpayers

  11. What the hell is going on ,who the hell is running the DPW now. So un organized.This is the worst in a long time.

  12. 9:25 p.m Well , I am the first complainer, Guess what as I said I do the leaves myself, a 75 year old woman , but by golly oh jolly I will not and cannot and never could climb the trees and make the leaves fall. Madam, I have trees from all sides of my house. Huge trees from neighbors, my trees and across the street huge trees that blow into my yard. It is not an exaggeration to say 15 huge trees, and madam THERE ARE STILL TREES WITH LEAVES THAT HAVE NOT FALLEN. The leaves do not fall all at once in my yard.

    So I am accused without a trial. Guilty first, right. Where I come from we investigate before casting blame. scummadummscumadumdum

    Everyone who complains in JOISEY is the guilty party. GODDAMNIT.

  13. I am the first complainer again. The way I understand the posting is that they will NOT pick up after Jan. 1 as Mailander announced andI received a message from the town. If they are then I am not angry. The posting is not written clearly.

  14. I dump my leaves in the woods….next year I’ll set them afire…

  15. “First complainer”. – do you think you are alone in having large trees? In having trees that drop their leaves at different times? Do you think yours in the only property onto which leaves from another yard drop? People need to get a grip. The town provided plenty of leaf pickup. your property value will not suffer if a few leaves remain until,springtime. Geeeeezzzzz

  16. My landscaper is done for the season and has probably gone to Florida. I too have leaves left and was planning to rake them to the street by Jan. 1, but considering the current weather forecast I think I will let them lie in place until the spring. If we had mild weather it would make sense and be good exercise but it’s just gelid out there and not worth it.

  17. This town went to shit

  18. Time to sell and move out of town ,

  19. The town should of been done by end of December like other towns. But how can they if they don’t work any weekends , if they did they would be on top of the pick ups. That’s half of the problem, the other half is not enough of workers ,

  20. Is the next council member that should be their first priority is replacing employees that retired in certain departments because it’s affecting services throughout the town. This mayor council has replaced workers in Villa Joel, far department, Police Department, and the water department it’s either they just don’t know about it or someone in management is giving them Hog wash story

  21. Again ‘ We called village departments to see why the Felix did not sweep section ( b) this past leaf season, well they told us that The village use the contractor cleanup section B I don’t have a sweeper. So I said why don’t we hire them if they did not. They did not give me an answer. Just doesn’t make sense we out sourced section b to a contractor that don’t own a sweeper . Wow. And the village sweeper did sweep all other sectors of the village. And to top this we the tax payers paid the contractor big money to do leaves in my section. And also the contractor did damage in the road on upper bluverd, we think it’s the cover in the road. ??. This town got worse , very un organized.

  22. Well Mr. Felix they run this town from their hip . They do not have any organization skills, They hire people with very little experience to bring to the table. And they know it, remember cheap salary ,s get “s u a cheap product in the end,

    Happy holidays,

  23. They are lost up. Top

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