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June 7,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood ,Glen Rock and Ho Ho Kus all Make the NICHE 2017 100 Best Places to Buy a House list.
The NICHE 2017 Best Places to Buy a House ranking provides a comprehensive assessment of the housing and community of an area. This grade takes into account key factors of a location’s housing market, including home values, taxes, crime rates, and quality of local schools, in an attempt to measure the quality and stability of an area’s real estate market.
In Bergen County Ridgewood neighbor Glen Rock fared best with a rating of 17, Ho Ho Kus a 55, Ridgewood 66, and Fairlawn 87. Other Bergen County towns who ranked well Haworth 24, Demarest 29, Ramsey 32, Mahwah 42, Oradell 66 , and Allendale 93.
Here is another list Ridgewood prominently figures on – Towns with top school taxes.
Note that Ridgewood taxes are higher than Millburn and Princeton/West Windsor (which is not even on the top 25 list). Those two schools consistently rate among the top in the state.
So much for money for performance.
9.39. Not to mention Chatham or Berkeley Heights with much lower taxes.
This ranking doesn’t take into account the issues with the water in Ridgewood and/or the local politics. Otherwise Ridgewood would be in the bottom.
Yeah… but we’re gettin’ a Big A$$ garage and Lotsa Low Income housing…
That oughta move us up on the list.
Forgot to paste the school tax rankings link earlier. Here it is.
Why is this news to anyone?
The school system scam has been going on for years…and you fell for it.
The math doesn’t work for any normal human being but if your a union slob on the BOE or municipal side it adds up just fine.
When are you people going to wake up?
Feel the Rumble ?…..those are the Moving Vans loading up and moving on out with the home goods and Fat Checks to better horizons ..Health care is going to cost a fortune soon..the boomers know this ..