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Ridgewood’s Halloween Haunted Harvest

Ridgewood Police "Haunted Harvest"

file photo by Boyd Loving

Halloween Haunted Harvest
Sat, October 28, 2017
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: at Memorial Park at Van Neste Squ., E. Ridgewood Ave., side streets and the park

Ridgewood’s Halloween Haunted Harvest
FREE to the public
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Memorial Park at Van Neset Square
weather permitting

Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce presents its annual Haunted Harvest…
sponsored by… Ben & Jerry’s and Terrie O’Connor Realtors

Come and meet the “good witches”

Ben & Jerry’s is preparing a walk through the HAUNTED GRAVE YARD, a jump through the PUMPKIN PATCH or hide in the HAY MAZE along with arts & crafts and fun!

Terry O’Connor Realtors will lead the HALLOWEN PARADE for kids and puppies…wear your best costume to win a prize!

Join in on the Face Painting, Balloon Making and much more.

Make sure you get your map to go to the stores for a trick or teat…

Join us in Ridgewood for this Halloween fun…
while shopping and dining.

This event is FREE to the public…wear your costume to join the fun.

for information call 201-445-2600

Lots of vendors will be in the parking having games, facepainting, tricks and treats.

Look for “Thriller” Flash Mob
by Art of Motion dancers.


Visit the following stores for treats-get your map at the park for fun…then more treats at the stores…

On E. Ridgewood Ave.
California Closets
Double Take Consignment
Pink Bungalow
Little Nest Portraits
Tito’s Burritos & Wings
Lucky Brand
The Ridgewood Man
Duziana Bedding
Shoe Inn
Pangea Coins Jewelry
Shelly Glam
Town & Country Pharmacy
Samba Bowl
GiGi’s Boutique
Eat Your Spinach
Beauty Plus Salon

Cottage Place
Savvy Chic Consignment
Ridgewood Karate Academy

South Broad Street

North Broad Street
Steel Wheel Tavern

Chestnut Street
Art of Motion
House of Glam

West Side of train Station
SMOKED Restaurant 2- Godwin Ave.
Carlo’s Bakery – 12 Wilseys Square

for more info: 201-445-2600

weather permitting

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