file photo by Boyd Loving
An open letter to the Village Council re tonight’s VC Meeting. I cannot attend as I am on a business trip, but have written an open letter to the members of the Council. Please attend if you can, whether you agree with me or not. The key thing is for the Ridgewood Residents to be aware of all that is going on at the Council level and for their views to become known.
Dear VC Members:
I am traveling on business and so cannot attend. If there I would have made the following points:
1. Schedler: I would not spend a red cent on the Schedler house until you have some idea as to what we will be doing with it long-term. At what cost and for what use? What cost of operation and maintenance? As I have mentioned on numerous occasions, put together a committee of people knowledgeable about house restorations to advise if the house is worth saving. All this talk of a nationally recognized historic home is nonsense. What is the age of the house and what will it be restored as? Plus since Mayor Knudsen’s father lives across the street from the house, she should recuse herself from any consideration.
2. Parking garage: Has the VC no shame or sense of intellectual integrity? When will you get going on the Hudson St. Parking Deck? The idea of Mr. Sedon leading another study is laughable. Has he read the 10’s of thousands of pages of studies already undertaken, or are you using this as an excuse to do nothing? Shameful political cowardice!
3. Mayor Susan Knudsen’s new FB Page. Is this an official Village of Ridgewood page or the start of the Knudsen/Sedon 2018 reelection campaign. I would appreciate Mr. Matt Rogers’ input since the page uses the Village of Ridgewood logo.
This is being copied to the press and to Facebook. Let the sun shine in!
Thank you,
Rurik Halaby
Who gives a flying F–K what Rurik Halaby says? He is a ridiculous human being. EVerything he says is coming right out of the mouth of Paul Aronsohn.
I like hearing what he has to say. Some people pay for comedy. With Rurik you get it free.
why were his comments given the light of day by this blog?
Please. Stay. Wherever. You. Are.
et the sun shine in!.,what a load. That garage would be our darkest star..stick a fork in this
All signed by anonymous… ha ha… why dont you post on it takes a ridgewood village fb site? because you’re pathetic cowards…and you can tell your identities because you dont change your writing styles… agree with him or not, you folks are pathetic… grow a pair,,,
“I would not spend a red cent on the Schedler house”. I hate to say it, but I agree with him here.
OMG, get a hobby, guy. Nobody cares what you think. Don’t flatter yourself, as former deputy mayor Pucciarelli used to say (to residents at public meetings). Travel a lot and spare us your recaps. Council members deserve peace from you already. They’re doing a great job. You know nothing.
Only Aronsohn and clones used the term “parking deck” for that dead-before-it-started monstrosity.
Fair points on Schedler and the FB page given it uses the VoR logo…
Even with his love of self-importance, Mr. Halaby has one good point. The mayor had been a little Facebook happy with her posts this week. There should be a split between The Village and Mrs. Knudsen the resident. Considering his recent dissent with the mayor’s agenda, would it be OK for Councilman Voigt to do his own Village FB page?
Voigt is going to have access to the FB page as an administrator. The FB page has been deemed legal and legit, Halaby’s assertions are crap.
Headline: Halaby strikes again! The sun disappears from Ridgewood as Halaby takes it with him in his world rescue mission!
Ok, now. The wizard asks a very good question but with a minor glitch: Has the VC (replace VC with Halaby) no shame or sense of intellectual integrity?
Why doesn’t The Mayor recuse herself from discussions on Schedler? She’s conflicted given her dad lives across from the property and he donated to her campaign.