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Rutgers University Faculty Members Vote to Strike

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New Brunswick NJ, classes at the three campuses of Rutgers University may come to a halt for its 67,620 students as faculty members gave their union leaders the authority to call for a strike a week from now.

Faculty members at the New Brunswick, Newark and Camden campuses overwhelmingly voted yes to a strike in a secret ballot on Friday afternoon. Management was given a week – spring break – to meet the union’s demands for fair contracts or signal a shift in its approach to negotiations over expired contracts that have dragged on since July.

The unions representing approximately 8,000 full-time faculty, graduate students, adjuncts, postdoctoral associates, and counselors announced the results of the vote, held over 10 days, on Friday afternoon. About 94% voted in favor, with about 80% of members voting, the union said.

It follows nine months of negotiations that have failed to produce an agreement. The union’s previous contract expired last summer.

Union leaders haven’t said when or if a strike would occur, but Rebecca Givan, president of Rutgers AAUP-AFT, said last week that she doubted members would want to wait months to take action.

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4 thoughts on “Rutgers University Faculty Members Vote to Strike

  1. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out..

  2. Maybe they can carve out a portion of the $138m spent on athletics

  3. demands?

  4. No one will even know, or care.

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