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Sacred Relics to Be Displayed in Montclair

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Montclair NJ, an exhibit featuring over 100 sacred relics of Jesus Christ; the Holy Family; and numerous saints, martyrs, and blesseds will be on display at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Oratory in Montclair on Saturday, February 24, from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The event — which is presented by Joseph Santoro, the International Crusade for Holy Relics’ (ICHR) regional delegate to the U.S. — will include several authenticated artifacts related to the Passion of the Christ, such as a splinter from the True Cross and a particle from the crown of thorns. There will also be multiple other items connected to Jesus and His parents, like pieces from the Christ Child’s crib and the Virgin Mary’s veil. More recent religious figures will be represented as well, including hair from St. Pope John Paul II, a scarf of Mother Cabrini, and a scrap from the linen on which Blessed Carlo Acutis died.

Though visitors are restricted from physically touching these objects, they are encouraged to place personal possessions against the reliquaries surrounding each relic. This act transforms those objects into third-class relics that can be prayed with at home. Those who do not have appropriate items to bring are welcome to purchase rosaries and other pieces at OLMC for a nominal fee. Everyone is encouraged to hold photos of loved ones against the glass, too, as that will symbolically entrust them to the religious figure’s care.

“It is a unique moment,” said Father Giandomenico M. Flora, rector of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Oratory. “[The exhibit] will give opportunities for you to connect with many of your most revered saints.”

All pieces featured in the exhibit come from the collection of Santoro, who has accrued approximately 400 holy artifacts in support of the ICHR’s mission of preserving relics and promoting their veneration. Many were purchased through online auctions in an effort to prevent the relics from being acquired by private buyers (the Catholic Church prohibits the sale of sacred objects). However, most were donated by priests, shrines, the Vatican, and others interested in sharing relics with the public.

In addition to praying before the relics, the OLMC exhibit’s guests will get the chance to learn about each piece’s history. Santoro encourages all to use this education to guide their veneration.

“Pray before relics you feel drawn to,” Santoro advised, adding that people should keep watch for benefits in their lives afterward. “There have been many documented miracles and healings connected to relics.”

For more information about Our Lady of Mount Carmel Oratory’s relic exhibit, visit


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14 thoughts on “Sacred Relics to Be Displayed in Montclair

  1. Thanks, for posting this information. Bless us all.

  2. They don’t even put real dinosaur bones on display in natural history museums because they’re too rare and valuable but Judas’ eyelash is on a world tour. OK.

    1. Thanks for commenting, you Anti-Chistian Bigot.

      1. I really would like to repent. Can you please point me to a passage in your Christian Bible that prescribes the proper procedures for the worship and veneration of relics? Chapter and verse, please. I expect you’ll know this off the top of your head, you Unintentionally Idolatrous Pagan.

        1. You are disgusting.

          Do you also support Antisemitism? How about Muslims? Any other religious hatred?

          Do you hate any or all of them too or do you just reserve your hatred and bias to Catholics?

          1. Do you pray to your Heavenly Father with that mouth?

            I asked for very specific references, not slander.

            While I wait, here’s something apropos from Matthew 15:11:

            “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

            1. All of your quotes won’t change the fact that you are a horrible hateful person who thinks it is acceptable to be hostile and attack Catholics.

              You are truly a coward and a small weak person who tries to feel big and strong by attacking something they do not understand or agree with.

              1. And Catholics wonder why some people don’t consider them to be Christian. I’m starting to see it though, with all their obvious extra-Biblical practices and contra-Christ attitudes. Who do they serve actually? Hmm.

                1. No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.

                  1. No amount of ecvidence will change a Anti-Catholic Bigot

  3. No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
    Mark Twain

    1. No amount of evidence will persuade an Anti-Catholic Hater and Bigot.

      1. You know, you throw around prefixes and words like anti- and hater and bigot, like that means something. You’ve adopted the lexicon of the people who never hesitate to point out the myriad embarrassments of the Catholic Church, yet you do so from the pulpit of Catholicism. You don’t see a problem with that? Listen, if you want to belong to a religion beyond reproach, I can make some suggestions for you.

        1. You can rationalize all you want and make all the moral equivalencies that you want, but that does not change the fact that you engage in anti-Catholic Hate speech.

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