Dear Dads’ Night Families,
If you have or had a child in a field sport whether it be baseball, softball, football, lacrosse, or soccer, and they have been affected by the recurrent flooding or lack of field space, this is a simple call to action.
Schedler park is the answer. It will include a walking path, a playground, a pavilion structure, parking, bathrooms, a full tree replant, and a varsity size turf field similar to Maple Field.
Let’s support the plan and let the state of New Jersey know how needed this park and field for our Ridgewood Kids!
Here is the link to the petition.
It is safe, no tricks or scams. No costs or signups.
This campaign needs you now
This campaign needs you now
Support the Schedler Athletic Field and Park Ridgewood NJ
Scott Muller
DN Alum
Ridgewood Baseball & Softball Association
Just say no
Scottie – your kids are out of college. Find something else to do.
Stop using non rbsa email distributions
As the President of RBSA, a non-profit organization, to think it is acceptabe on any level to use a distribution list from another organization to send petitions, is highly unethical. This guy probably doesn’t think he did anything wrong, which is a whole issue unto itself. But many people in Ridgewood feel differently and think it is fundamentally wrong. It feels very entitled that he manipulated someone and used a Dad’s Night organization email distribution list to bolster this petition. I hope they get to the bottom of who gave Scott Muller the distribution list. What do RBSA Board members, trustees and sponsors think?
It taints the credibility of RBSA as an organization to think it is acceptable to do this. A display of very poor judgement for sure coming from the president of a 501.C.3 organization to then use emails from another organization for leverage.
Not innocent, a calculated attempt.
Volunteers make the community work. Get involved!
Some people volunteer when they have no vested interest. They do it for the community.
If you knew him you would know what a great person he is. You would know enough to be ashamed of yourself.
Do you really think he’s doing it for the kids? No, he’s not. If he cared about the kids, would he expose them to cancer causing chemicals? Years from now these children will be suffering? Have you had cancer? I have. It’s not fun and I’ve seen people who died from it. I had to put my dog down last year because of it. Guarantee it was from the Chemicals on the grass. that she was exposed to.
Jeanette, what do you do to pass time. Because I would recommend researching turf fields and then(!) formulating a response. You’re naïveté and your unfounded declarations are misleading and irresponsible, do some reading and get back to me!
To: “Jeanette, what do you do to pass time” I have to say you’ve got some balls to be anonymously critical and sounds like you have a huge chip on your shoulder and are fairly ignorant. Unless you are a doctor or scientist and can provide facts that PFAS is not toxic, go for it. All turf has PFAS. end of story. Next time please post your findings and your name so that we know who to thank. Until then, STFU because you obvioulsy have no clue about PFAS. Fun fact, Ridgewood Water is sueing for MILLIONS because it is in your water and mine. Get with the program and please try to keep up. I know it is probably hard because your so busy delivering your vitriol.
Great people don’t ignore public heath risks (backed by data) and endanger children, people with vested special interest and no morales do.
kick backs outweigh risks to children, especially when they are not yours
Kickbacks? You are just throwing things out there.
He wasn’t so nice when he was snickering and sneering at Schedler neighbors and other residents in Ridgewood who were lined up to speak at some of the meetings and hangs out with a proven aggresor. How is that at all sportsmanlike behavior that this organization is trying to teach children. They model their behavior based on what their role models display. Seems Scottie may have a very low level of emotional intelligence if he is an adult behaving like an in insolent child.
was he one of the “girly men” that tried to beat up the old lady?
His name is Scott. Stop being childish.
Your generalized anger towards people who disagree with you is also a bad example for “the kids”. Stop being hypocritical
Sorry but this is a safe space for people to be honest and people are speaking the truth as I have witnessed this negative childish behavior. Unfortunately, this person is not happy with anyone that he believes will get in the way of getting the field done. He associates in public with a another resident aligned with the baseball community who has displayed bad behavior in a public setting. So I am sorry but you reap what you sow.
If you don’t like hearing the truth then it is too darn bad. I have never once seen one of the neighbors be agressive toward another member of the community despite disagreeing with their position, however I myself and many other residents watched in horror as people were bullied. These are the facts. period.
Wow! He associates with other people connected to Ridgewood Baseball!
A bunch of angry birds of a feather flocking together.
He may be a great person, but not very smart, and definitely should not be an advocate for our young athletes
You have no basis for judging other people’s intelligence. It says a lot about you and your inadequacies
Unfortunately many people agree with the previous comment. Sometimes you have to take a good hard look at how one behaves in public to realize that just because you like them, does not mean that childish behavior is acceptable on any level.
You and your friends judge people’s intelligence? So, do you think that you are smarter than everyone else? Or is this just an inadequacy that you are over compensating for?
Anon, you loser, do you have anything of substance to say? Put your name on it… Leave the discourse to the adults.
Bitter, party of one? Why so angry, that doesn’t seem like adult behavior to me? You want substance you say but you’ve said nothing but called someone a loser and have omitted your name from your comment. Just sit back in your armchair and relax. This is just starting to get interesting.
Super Sized Plastic Field.
Fits right in.
Do it for the kids.
Dads Night’s policy has always been to stay neutral on local political issues. The current Chairmen should never have allowed this message to get through to those subscribed to receive Dads Night related e-mail.
We should have just let the property be sold to developers if we’re not going to create a real public space that our kids can use. Nobody cares that George Washington once sneezed near Schedler and give me a break with the cancer talk.
Dear Just Sell Schedler, it’s never too late to learn. The property has STATE AND NATIONAL historic registry. Takes more than a nearby sneeze to get that status. #nochildleftbehind
Yes, it takes a political lobbying effort with a desire to delay any meaningful development.
It’s harder than you think to get historic designation . It would take less than a week to sell to a developer. Convenient to Route 17 and Ward’s Pumpkin Patch.
Tax revenue!
Yes, that is right. Public space is what it should be, for everyone!! It was supposed to be a nice park, with a children’s playground and places to sit and have a picnic and now it is taken over by a gigantic plastic field. Residents should once again be outraged by the audacity of elected officials Vagianos, Whinograd and Weitz who have done nothing but promise the sports groups a field. So if you look at the diagram on the Dad’s night email, you will see that it is a large field with no room left for anything else. Doesn’t seem right at all. Say no to the large field and make it a park.
Yes – that is what Ridgewood desperately needs, a picnic area and a vacant playground. This town is predominantly occupied by families with young children, who need real space for organized activities. Not an unused playground and picnic area, whose obviously real purpose is to use town funds to keep the space empty and buffer the houses in the neighborhood that don’t want the space to actually be used.
Oh you mean use town funds like Healthbarn does over at Habernickel runn8ng all of their lease bending private parties and event out of their low cost leased house, garden and other property amenities, which will soon include a beautiful new Pavillion that only costs $350,000 to start, paid for using taxpayer monies, thats a perfect example (oh and soon to come bathroom to be built will be extra)
All for the use of Healthbarn business. They will probably hold the key to the restrooms and keep the public out. I heard she kicked a brownie leader and her group out of the public park
Oh and the flee market tents they put up all summer. Trashy !!! Lord help us
Tax dollars are not just for giant fields on open space projects.
They especially aren’t just to acquire a large space and leave it vacant because the neighbors don’t want development there either. Yet here we are.
Clearly you must not have been paying attention to anything that has transpired over the course of the last few years, have you? A sound approach going forward might be to take some steps to be familiar with your topic before making a comment that has no merit. Because when you speak from a place of not knowing, you ultimately make yourself look like a dumb dumb…and yet here we are.
And take a look at the sell out at havernickle. A business ruined that park and now they are providing more space for it Aka pavilion for healthbarn.
To “give me a break with the cancer talk”
That is, until you get cancer, then it’s a whole different ballgame, pun intended.
Your an idiot.
And uninformed.
And ugly.
Therapy may help you to ease some of your negative emotions. Also, you might want to work on your grammar as well. The word you’re is a contraction of you and are, while your is a possessive adjective.
It doesn’t seem like it will be a park at all which is disappointing. There isn’t room for anything except a ridiculously giant field on Route 17. Between the toxic turf and the pollution from the highway, RBSA should start a Go Fund Me account now for all of the health issues those poor kiddies will surely be facing. Turf has been proven to cause a myriad of serious health impacts and many cities and states are starting to ban it altogether.
It’s by Route 17, the road is an exit ramp. Anything would be an improvement.
the political hacks in town don’t give a crap about the kids , they just want their money
this used to be a nice town, I am still astonished what a sh$t hole it has become
A community is only as good as the people who live in it. When you have a group of people and sports organizations like Ridgewood does that will stop at nothing to get a new field and don’t give a crap about anyone’s health or safety, including their very own children that they dress up in uniforms and parade around fake crying about fields then this is what you get. Because of this, Ridgewood is now filled with a large number of entitled brats (parents mostly and kids who don’t know any better) and these folks know zero about how to commune with their fellow citizens because to them it is ONLY about winning. Unfortuantely because of bad voting, we have Vagianos, Winograd and Weitz to thank for this sad state of affairs This behavior is not only selfish but it should not be condoned in any way. We as a community need to stop this and vote these people out because they do not have ALL of Ridgewood’s best interests front and center. They were elected to create a park with a small field and decided that wasn’t good enough. Each of them have failed miserably.
You must live next door to the field. The rest of town is either neutral or in favor.
On Facebook there are a few residents that post negatively about the field and then they respond to each other. The pity party never ends. Most other residents ignore them. The proposed field would ne an improvement to the neighborhood
Actually I don’t live next to the field or on that side of Ridgewood and It is good to know Ridgewood has a spokesperson and that you are in touch with “most other residents”. I wasn’t aware that this organization existed.
What a sleazy and desperate move on behalf of the RBSA. Dads Night, don’t let them exploit you too.
problem is its has happened many times and there will be no consequences
What a lying boob! One look at the plan with half a brain cell shows, Schedler park is NOT the answer and won’t be similar to Maple Field.
Let’s VOTE DOWN the plan and let the state of New Jersey know how USELESS this field is for our Ridgewood!
I just like that you called him a boob.
For our Ridgewood Kids???!! What about thousands of Ridgewood Kids that don’t play on fields? 🖕🏻
Unfortunately a sports parent only cares about the sports kids. They don’t give a hoot about families with children who are not enrolled in an organized program and what their needs might be for outdoor plsy. Everyone pays taxes for these fields but open space should include a nice little niche for kids to play on however they would like and bigger, as is the case here, is not always better. Also relative to concerns over turf leaking PFAS, we have heard how toxic it is and how residents have expressed their concern over groundwater contamination in the neighborhood, it should not be a consideration.
What do you do for your kids?
I spend quality time with my children Sometimes a little imagination and ingenuity goes a long way to create educational and immersive experiences that will last a lifetime. Dropping them off for organized sports seerms okay on occasion but it certainly does no not check all of the boxes for a well rounded upbringing.
This does not concern those “thousands” of kids? What was the point you were attempting to get across here?
Field envy is real. Ridgewood does not need any more fields. They need to fix and maintain the fields that they have.
No more toxic artificial turf and crumb rubber.
Participate publicly or not, but don’t disparage people behind anonymous comments. I don’t even know the man but to make a stupid statement people can’t express a view if their kids are aged out of playing fields is childish. These posts are in a toxic echo chamber and serve no purpose. I’ll certainly remember not to click into any more. This embarrasses me for our community.
Buh bye, Dave Lubkemann please don’t let the door hit you on the way out. If you knew what was happening and why you would realize that the actual echo chamber that serves no purpose is for any of the sports organizations in Ridgewood, in this case it is RBSA, to state that there are not enough fields. They want exclusive use of some fields so they are phoning for a friend. It is total BS and mind manipulation to get another field. They are in this with Vagianos, Weitz and Whino who all vote together as a block and took donations from someone is Ridgewood associate with baseball (public info) and who knows if there are any other compensatory actions which may be in play-no pun). The embarassment to our community, are the tactics that this organization is willing to resort to, the embarassment is that people will buy into this belief when fields are available and if you listen to the sports parents who dial into the council discussions you will hear them complain about things that are easily fixable, like mowing the grass on a field basic upkeep that other towns seem to have no issue with, so there is favoritism over fields not an actual shortage.
I’m leaving this blog, right after I post that I’m leaving the blog, and after I hang around to see people’s reaction of me leaving the blog. 🤔
They don’t even mention 60×90 anymore because they know it won’t fit…
Bought by the village in 2009 for $2.7 million, offset by a $1.57 million open space grant, which required the property to be used for active recreation. 15 years of obstruction, wow!
CORRECTION: “this property was intended for active AND passive recreation, an equal mix of both”, thank you for trying but you are wrong.
Also, let me correct you on another point that you also got wrong. It is your miscalculation of the finances. Over $3 million dollars in grant funding was obtained from numerous sources such as Green Acres, Bergen County Open Space, Municipal Open Space, Preservation Grants from the County and State Preservation Trusts. So if you are going to spin it, at least get your facts straight. How is that for WOW!
Just put in a nice park for all to enjoy!! I am so sick of hearing about sports and artificial turf. These sports parents need to understand our town is about all residents not just kids who play sports
Over 500 people signed the petition. How many posted here or on Facebook against the proposed field? (No counting the duplicates) The same people complain to each other on Facebook. Most people just ignore them.
If we don’t create the field we should sell the land. Perfect for high density housing, Convenient to Route 17.
Who cares who posts on Facebook or on the blog? What does that have to do with anything? In paragraph 1, if you are making a point, make it. As far as paragraph 2, the property is a registered historic property, case closed. Only the state of New Jersey can say what will or will not be allowed on the property, so your grand ideas for high density housing are not even within the realm of possibility. Nice try though. I’m sure that took real brain power.
It can be undone.
More residents are in favor of the field than those not in favor. I personally find traveling to the other side of Route 17 to be inconvenient but I would go for baseball practice.
Aw, you poor thing that you have to go across town and out of your way. What a hardship. The struggle is real?!? I hope you can find the strength to endure, you know for the kids! Life is hard and tperhaps your untamed ego is even more challenging.
Why the disclaimer “It is safe, no tricks or scams. No costs or signups.” that seems like a red flag.
Well i guess it actuallylooks like a scam an email list he shouldn’t have. He isn’t even an active member of Ridgewoods Dad’s night organization but ffelt entitled and figured he’d game the system and use it to his advantage. Really pathetic and disappointing conduct.
What will happen if the dirt comes up in bad way. What will happen to the soil.
You can sent the Village council a thank you note
PFOA/PFOS exposure overtime could experience problems with
blood serum
cholesterol levels
immune system
the reproductive system
increase the risk of testicular
kidney cancer
For females- developmental delays in a fetus and/or an infant. Some of these developmental effects may persist through childhood.
Has RBSA paid their taxes? They have a history of default.
Oh boy if this test comes back positive for dangerous levels. Will the dirt pile be removed. ??
Shame on Dads Night Group for getting involved and allowing this email to be blasted to hundreds, if not thousands of families.
Dads Night Group, what a way to tarnish your reputation and erode supporters. Well, at least now we know.
If you are a family with kids who play organized sports, aren’t you concerned about the fact that Ridgewood Water is suing for PFAS contamination, water that people bathe and shower in (hopefully not drinking) and at the same time you want to double dose these kids by encouraging them to play on it where they will inhale/ingest. It is a known fact that all turf has PFAS whether it is traditional crumb rubber or the new forms they market as eco because the infill is made of coconut shells or walnut shells (prone to bacteria overgrowth and therefor toxic). This means that is is a plastic fossil fuel product, and contains PFAS. Some text, directly from P. 1 Ridgewood’s active lawsuit states:
“Ridgewood brings this action to recover the substantial costs necessary to protect the public and restore its damaged drinking water supply wells from exposure to and contamination with toxic per- and poly-fluroalkyl substances (“PFAS”), including, but not limited to, perfluorooctanoic acid (“PFOA”) and/or perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (“PFOS”), from Defendants’ products.1PFOA and PFOS are toxic, not easily biodegradable, persistent in the environment, and pose a significant risk to human health and safety. PFOA and PFOS are associated with a variety of illnesses, including cancer, and considered particularly dangerous to pregnant women and young children”.
Wake up Ridgewood parents, what more do you need?
How do these organizations, RBSA and Dads Night, campaign to push toxic turf on the same children and communities that support them?
Follow the money. What’s in it for these two “non-profit” organizations? For things to have gotten to this extent, it’s not just for the love of the game and once a year show.
Wow! As a Hawes Family, we sit in total disbelief of this joint effort campaign.
Oh, I see, the baseball fams needed more signatures, so they co-opted the mailing list of an unrelated (and neutral) beloved Village event. How sportsmanlike. This way they are in good stead, however earned, to announce “My petitions is bigger than your petition!” It’s the new d*ck size.
Oh, I see, the baseball fams needed more signatures, so they co-opted the mailing list of an unrelated (and neutral) beloved Village event. How sportsmanlike. This way they are in good stead, however earned, to announce “My petitions is bigger than your petition!” It’s the new d*ck size.
Dad’s Night issued the following follow-up email earlier today. ….
Dear Dads’ Night Community,
It has come to our attention that an email was mistakenly approved for distribution by the moderators. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.
The content of the email in question was not intended to represent the stance of Dads’ Night regarding the issue of field construction. Dads’ Night remains neutral on such matters, understanding that individual opinions and decisions vary within our community.
We urge those who shared the email on social media platforms to consider posting this retraction to ensure clarity. Dads’ Night is committed to fostering positivity and unity within our town and community.
Moving forward, let us focus on highlighting the positive contributions Dads’ Night makes to our community, rather than engaging in divisive discussions.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
I guess if the Dad’s night group loses money next year then they can thank this manipulative snafu for derailing a great organization that’s been a Ridgewood institution fir life forever?
Boy o boy , if it comes back positive with contaminants. This is gonna cost big money to haul it out. Believe me, that’s not the end.
Sell it to a developer
We wonder how long it’s going to take to get the results. We wonder how deep they went to take out the samples.??????