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Season is Over – Free Advertising for Ridgewood Mayor’s Personal Friend Should Stop

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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, the holiday season is over. The Ridgewood Christmas tree uptown is no longer being lit and beginning to look a little shabby. Isn’t it about time we take the sign advertising the business of Mayor Vagianos‘s personal friend down?

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16 thoughts on “Season is Over – Free Advertising for Ridgewood Mayor’s Personal Friend Should Stop

  1. I don’t think most people realize how much work it is to prepare the tree to move (probably a day and a half for a few workers). Then load it up for transport move it and install it up town….I think that since they do the work for free, leaving the sign up for a few weeks until the tree is cut down is fine.

    1. wow what a bunch of LAZY BULL SH@T

  2. So go take it down.

    1. mine were down January first

  3. Sign should have come down when the lights were turned off.

  4. The Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center was taken down on Saturday, January 11.

    1. NYSE as well, usually after 3 Kings day and Orthodox Christmas

  5. Little crybabies

    I love it that you still can’t get over the election lol

    Ha ha ha ha

    1. cant get over how stupid my neighbors are , the town continues to slide downhill

  6. This is blatant free advertising for a friend of Vag. And Downes Tree Service, by the way, was no friend to Ridgewood residents after Sandy when everyone had trees down. They were charging HUGE amounts to clear trees off peoples houses and cars and yards. It was outrageous. Many had to hire opportunists who had driven in from the Midwest with tree clearing equipment and reasonable rates. Downes is a money-grabbing friend-o-vag.

  7. Downes gets almost all If not all the village tree business and other things. through their other businesses. They even have a float in the Ridgewood Fourth of July parade. They know how to play the game.

  8. I’m at the opposite side of the spectrum. I leave my artificial tree up until after Valentine’s Day. I swap anything that’s blatantly Christmas for heart ornaments. I have a Feb birthday so I take it all down at the end of February. It keeps it festive during a dark and cold time of the year 🩷

  9. It’s time to find another tree company to do the tree, this is going on way too long. Is he still taking all the wood chips and compost for free.

  10. This was done also during previous administration and no one complained.

  11. 07450 needs a DOGE

  12. Yes previous administration was dirty. Simple as that that’s , you scratch my back I scratch her back. You wanna complain either. Enough is enough. Plant a damn tree there and be done with it. Or put out the bed and hire a Tree company to transport the donated tree. Or have the village shade tree parks department do it like I did years ago. What do you think a tree company is going to do that for freight just for a sign advertisement, when this company doesn’t need to advertise, please stop the bullshit. Will do this for you ,and you give me this. ( right) . Just stop playing Monty Hall.

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