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>Solar Power : How do we stop these ugly solar panels from being mounted on every utility pole that gets sunlight?

>Solar Power : How do we stop these ugly solar panels from being mounted on every utility pole that gets sunlight?

How do we stop these ugly solar panels from being mounted on every utility pole that gets sunlight? Solar is a great idea. Placing the panels on rooftops and in parking lots is a wonderful idea. Placing them as proposed on poles is a bad idea because:

1. The infrastructure (wires, connections and gathering points) are inefficient for such small panels.
2. The appearance of these panels changes the Village “cityscape” in an ugly way.
3. PSE&G has the rights to these poles to transmit power, not to generate power. If they want to install 500 solar power stations around town, they should seek permission.

Seeking non oil based energy is a worthy project that should be addressed in a serious manner. The PSE&G approach is neither serious or appropriate. The Village Council should stop these instalations and go to court if necessar

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