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Stay on Top of the Local News in Ridgewood


January 2, 2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen , Wishing all a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year surrounded by family, friends, and a supportive Village community. All the best in 2018.

Please start the new year by visiting and registering for important Village of Ridgewood notifications including Ridgewood E-Notice (operational updates) and SwiftReach911.

Of coarse if you really want to know what going on around here

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3 thoughts on “Stay on Top of the Local News in Ridgewood

  1. Dear Susan,
    Please try to do some meaningful work for Ridgewood in 2018. Something tangible that affects our everyday life. I can help you with ideas. Thank you.

    P.S. I AM NOT a Roberta fan.

  2. has anyone received 2018 Village and Recycling calendars yet? or is there a date/timeframe
    notice posted anywhere? Note: I am aware of the online recycling calendar.

  3. Yea, were a supportive community all right Susan especially with your FAMILY on the Village payroll.
    Disgraceful .
    zero class and zero accountability

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