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Study : New Jersey Is 2022’s 8th Best State for Singles

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, with Valentine’s Day around the corner and the average date costing close to $100, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2022’s Best & Worst States for Singles,

To help unattached Americans improve their chances of finding love, WalletHub compared the 50 states across 30 key indicators of dating-friendliness. The data set ranges from the share of single adults to online-dating opportunities to restaurants per capita.

Dating in New Jersey (1=Best; 25=Avg.):

9th – Online-Dating Opportunities

6th – Mobile-Dating Opportunities

4th – Median Annual Household Income (Adjusted for Cost of Living)

7th – Restaurants per Capita

23rd – Movie Theaters per Capita

4th – Crime Rate

7th – Percentage of Residents 12+ Who Are Fully Vaccinated

For the full report, please visit:



5 thoughts on “Study : New Jersey Is 2022’s 8th Best State for Singles

  1. Yes but don’t die here.
    Single people are assessed 17% tax on passing along inheritence.
    The ‘estate tax’ was removed but the ‘inheritance’ tax remains unless you bequeath your money to a child or spouse.
    So we get screwed paying for your children via real estate taxes for the schools we don’t use, and further when we die..
    So another reason to bail out of NJ before we ‘check out’.

  2. Like in any kleptocratic dictatorship, the state (i.e. petty bureaucrats on all levels) find ways to rid you of your hard earned money.
    You truly already own (almost) nothing.

  3. First all the rich people left. (your income taxes will rise to meet the never ending spending)
    Now the smart single folks are going to bail.
    Who’s going to be left to subsidize all you people with kids in schools.
    Just wait for your taxes to skyrocket, thanks to the school portion.
    All of my retired neighbors who still own homes here bail to fla for 181 days.
    Good for you they havent sold…yet… once they do, your kids will be on split sessions

  4. If you are single you’re better off being in Florida Miami.

  5. But being single in NJ is great if you’re living with and off your parents.

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