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Swarm of Honey Bees Forced the Temporary Suspension of Outdoor Dining at Raymond’s Restaurant

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A swarm of approximately 15,000 honey bees forced the temporary suspension of outdoor dining at Raymond’s Restaurant and disrupted pedestrian traffic in a portion of downtown Ridgewood on Saturday afternoon, 06/01. Local beekeeper Frank Mortimer successfully dispersed the swarm. No injuries were reported. Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood Emergency Services, and two (2) representatives of the Ridgewood Parks Department responded to the incident.

The Ridgewood Police wisely kept their distance while the Bee keeper Frank Mortimer did his work .

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4 thoughts on “Swarm of Honey Bees Forced the Temporary Suspension of Outdoor Dining at Raymond’s Restaurant

  1. “The Ridgewood Police wisely kept their distance while the Bee keeper Frank Mortimer did his work .”

    That right there is funny! πŸ™‚

  2. Over kill. Over time?????

  3. How about some praise for Frank Mortimer? Still glad I live in a town with our own Police and Fire Departments. May not be the case in the future

  4. How about keeping the poor bees who are being run out by the destructive human species.

    Just reading NYT(today’s newspaper) about why cooking at home is soooo much healthier and better than eatin in restaurants. I think the article is in the Week in Review Section, about people having meals delivered and best way to eat is cookin yourself. The process of cooking great relaxing therapy and food healthy. I know that always knew that.

    Who needs the CBD and all those useless stores and unhealthy food in noisy restaurants; not really relaxing neither. Just change zoing with new master plan and put up cute town houses in Victorian style. A few shops is okay, like one or two blocks. Not square blocks , just one side. Dream a little dream .

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