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Teaneck Considers Allowing Cannabis Businesses, Greater Density , Accessory and Multi-use Residences in Updated Master Plan

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Teaneck NJ, Teaneck Township is set to consider significant changes to its master plan, including the potential allowance of cannabis businesses within its borders. The updated master plan draft will be the focus of a public hearing and possible vote at a special Planning Board meeting scheduled for August 19.

This marks the first major revision to Teaneck’s master plan since December 2021, when amendments were made to facilitate the overhaul and expansion of the Holy Name hospital complex. Unlike those contentious changes, the 2024 draft does not contain similar large-scale proposals. However, without a red-line copy available, residents will need to carefully review the document to identify any potentially concerning changes.

A master plan serves as the guiding policy document for a municipality, informing decisions on development, land use, and preservation. The 2024 draft makes several key recommendations across four areas: land use, economic development, historic preservation, and mobility. Notable proposals include:

  • Allowing cannabis businesses in specific locations with conditions to minimize adverse impacts.
  • Amending zoning codes to permit “accessory dwelling units,” such as apartments over garages, in certain residential zones.
  • Increasing the permitted building height for multi-use residential and mixed-use buildings in business districts.
  • Allowing places of religious assembly, schools, and private educational services in commercial areas, along arterial roadways, and in industrial areas.
  • Supporting a phased development approach for Fairleigh Dickinson University to adapt and continue operations in Teaneck.

The public meeting will take place on August 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Teaneck Public Library conference room. Residents are encouraged to attend and review the 143-page draft, which is available on the township’s website for inspection.

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2 thoughts on “Teaneck Considers Allowing Cannabis Businesses, Greater Density , Accessory and Multi-use Residences in Updated Master Plan

  1. Maybe add a couple open-air shooting galleries (not for bad guns, dummy, but for good needles) and a few Constitution-free hot zones where people can openly practice sharia law too?

    1. “not for bad guns”
      Not to worry, they will follow under a plan like this.

      Then the pols will say they have no idea why this is happening and propose more restrictions on inanimate objects because, you know, we can’t attack the TRUE causes…………….

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