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Teaneck Police Departments Report Several Vehicle Burglaries during the hours of 3am and 4am

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Teaneck NJ, attention Teaneck residents There were several vehicle burglaries on the west side of town Tuesday night December 27th . Most of them occurred during the hours of 3am and 4am and mostly with vehicles where the doors were left unlocked.

If your vehicle was burglarized last night and you did not report it yet please contact the Teaneck Police Department , at 201-837-2600. If you have surveillance cameras around the outside of your home and captured anything suspicious during those hours please contact us at 201-837-2600 so we can have an Officer review it.
Please remember to lock your vehicles doors when parked and never leave personal items on the seats, such as wallets, cell phones, laptops, etc. Please store all items in the trunk or remove them from the vehicle.
Please report any suspicious behavior to the Teaneck Police Department at 201-837-2600 or 9-1-1 if it’s an emergency.
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