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The Future of Ridgewood: Hoboken police chief ‘disturbed’ after 15 arrested at annual Lepre-Con bar crawl

Clock CBD

By Dan Ivers | NJ Advance Media for
on March 06, 2016 at 5:59 PM, updated March 07, 2016 at 7:24 AM

HOBOKEN – Police Chief Ken Ferrante is speaking out after 15 people were arrested and dozens of others ticketed after this year’s annual Lepre-Con bar crawl.

In a statement, the chief said he was “disturbed” by what he called repeated issues with revelers at the St. Patrick’s Day-themed event, sponsored by a private promoter and local watering holes.

Arrests this year increased by four over 2015, and Ferrante specifically cited the arrest of a former college football player for allegedly breaking a city officer’s ribs and dislocating another’s shoulder.

“I will not tolerate having any of our officers injured, for the purposes of a few to make a financial profit at the expense of our residents, and for the purposes of promoting deviant behavior attached to various holidays, which results in citizens and officers being hospitalized!” he said.

8 thoughts on “The Future of Ridgewood: Hoboken police chief ‘disturbed’ after 15 arrested at annual Lepre-Con bar crawl

  1. Isn’t it early for leprechauns?

  2. Observe St Patrick’s day commute to work wasted express train teenagers barf feast..
    Welcome to the transit village concept every weekend and band night in the pub section next to Garagezilla in five years..if we can’t pollute the hudson street residents into submission and drive the church’s out. we will lower the bar literally for the transient businesses like rock taverns massage parlors and 24 x7 transit convenience stores for drug dealers.

  3. We don’t have a parade or good bars.

  4. They are coming into the slum district around where the space ship will discharge the non conforming neighborhood busting fume bag oversized parking hole

  5. I thought the Irish bar by the station was closing?

  6. What MacMurphy’s? Not that I know of….

  7. Come on people…as much as you would like to think that your little ” village” is so hip and happening that Hoboken is going to empty out and come here is delusional. This is Ridgewood and that is Hoboken. BIG DIFFERENCE.

  8. Nothing to see here……..move along.

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