the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood will host a candidates forum for the Ridgewood Board of Education on October 18th. Questions from the audience can be accepted at the Forum that evening, or sent to ridgewoodlwv@gmail.com. up to 48 hours prior (7:00 p.m. 10/16/23). There are seven candidates running . Questions are important , the Village seems to always get bit by the questions no one asks . The other issue for many Ridgewood residents was the Leagues efforts to help eliminate the “School Budget Vote ” ,taking away one of the key corner stones of community involvement in the Ridgewood School System . This effort would seem to have invalidated the purported purpose the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood’s existence.
This years big issues in public education are the creepy new sex ed, parental rights, “diversity” , the ” COVID learning loss” and the perennial slipping of educational standards . Local Ridgewood issues are the constant field flooding since 1895.
Seven candidates have filed to run for two seats on the Ridgewood Board of Education in November’s general election. Board President Michael Lembo and Board Member Saurabh Dani are they incumbents.
Other candidates include Laura McKenna, Julie Mchedlishvili, Mary E. Micale, Malcolm R. Jennings and Claude J. Guinchard II.
The Ridgewood Education Association (REA) , the local teachers union has announced that it is officially endorsing candidates Mary Micale and Julie Mchedlishvili and Jennings and Guinchard are running together under the “Parental Rights Alliance” slogan.
Attend in person or stream the event live on the Board of Education’s website:
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its great so many people are running , incumbents. Dani is heads over tails the best , Mary Micale and Julie Mchedlishvili teacher union put ups no thanks , Lembo should stick to police work , I dont know Jennings but Guinchard is a very smart guy and parents are ALWAYS first , Laura McKenna has class room experience so thats a plus, but educational policy degree big negative (public education is a disaster)
Julie M makes stmt about nyc education which is a huge negative. Nyc public schools are awful
Guinchard and Dani
Its all about parent rights
Anyone supporting murphys “hide the ball” from parents is a firm no
So that cancels those on teachers union list. Julie M 23 NYC education. No tks. That would be a step backwards.
If you care about your taxes – then do NOT vote for teacher’s union candidates. MICALE and Mchedlishvili are running as Teachers Union candidates – as teachers union contract is coming up.
Ridgewood has always been fair to the teachers union – they got over 9.5 % pay raise in the last contract over 3 years. They are not happy and want more and more and more!
Remember anyone but MICALE and Mchedlishvili (and ofcourse no Lembo, he appointed his girlfriend to the confidential position, without advertising the position).
Lembo is a bully at BOE meetings and is acting unethically. The two teacher’s union candidates are not impressive. Micale is a steamroller and the other one can barely communicate without reading from her paper. You’ve got to be a little more polished than that. Claude J. Guinchard II may be very smart, but is a horrible public speaker and won’t last. Parental rights. that is a whole other situation. It is clear that Dani is the logical choice to keep things moving in the right direction.
The forum will be shown online here tonight at 7:
Bob Furman from one village one vote is campaign manager for MICALE. He is also team Winograd and supports whatever the majority block of the Village council has to say. Therefore, Micale , as a lawyer, might want to challenge, fight the OVOV initiative. These people are evil, like weeds, they show up everywhere and you cannot get rid of them. She’s running as a teachers union candidate, which is another big expensive tax increase in the making.
Yep the same lawns that held the tiffany blue winograd signs have the Micale signs. Unreal..just shows the # of uninformed in town. They are all followers
Teachers Union candidates are Murphy pawns and are against parental rights. Also support the unconscious biased training at RHS