![The Peanut Gallery Continues to Defend Unethical Behavior in Ridgewood aronsohn and jan phillips](https://theridgewoodblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24993453_10214491325425856_5384833640284138304_n.jpg)
December 19,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, for the third time in as many weeks a supporter of the failed Aronsohn administration attempts to make excuses for the unethical behavior of both the former mayor Paul Aronsohn and his side kick former Village manager Roberta Sonnefeld . In a letter , “Regarding ethics fines brought against former officials”https://www.northjersey.com/story/opinion/readers/2017/12/14/letter-regarding-ethics-fines-brought-against-former-officials/952325001/ Ridgewood resident Jan T. Philips attempts to throw dispersions by attacking “transparency” , in her letter she says , “what was the basis for the seven-member board’s determination? Without the finding of fact for a conclusion, what we are left with is a capricious and arbitrary ruling that mocks transparency.”
Funny coming form supporters of the Aronsohn Administration aka the 3 Amigos , did they not lie and obfuscate the size and scope of the garage as well as its intended use ? Did not the former Village manager make a mess of the Parkmobile contract ? And what about the gimmie at Habernickel Park ?
The Ridgewood blog has documented at length their disgraceful and abusive behavior toward residents while pushing special deals for their friends and supporters . It time for residents to distance themselves from this aberrant behavior and treat these followers like the social piranhas they are. Unethical behavior should never be supported , endorsed or promoted, period.
Jan Phillips, Chair of the Community Relations Advisory Board you should know better. You should be stripped of your title and removed from the Board immediately. How do you hold such a position and undermine a legal process that defended a public that was violated? The complaint was substantiated, evidence reviewed and they were found guilty. Instead You should work towards improving community relations without prejudice. Have you reached out to the public they violated? What about an open forum, at your next meeting, to hear true resident input?
We know the mettle Jan Phillips is made of. Anyone who disagrees with Aronsohn receives her wrath.
Remember when hundreds of residents protested the size of the proposed garage at a council meeting she accused them of GRANDSTANDING.
Jan Phillips preaches against prejudice. Yet, she is prejudiced against anyone who criticizes Aronsohn.
How can she foster good community relations while exhibiting such blind prejudice.
Oh lordy lordy lordy, the photo, cracking me up. Duo losers
“Social piranhas…”, don’t you mean social pariahs? Unless you mean to suggest that they are given as a group toward tearing the flesh off of civil public discourse and consuming it entirely within minutes of their initial attack, leaving behind only bloody bones and shredded tendons!
Don’t know her, but my limited experience at meetings suggests she is a horrid person. Not really sure what she thought to accomplish. One would have thought that Airbag would have wanted to take his lumps on this event and move on.
Yeah she had Her crew that were a bunch of ass kissers that new jack shit
She had her Puppeteers, or was she the main puppet.
Why do we still have to see these pictures of the the OLD council???? Does Boyd get a kick back?????
Jan Phillips really has balls. Oldest trick in the book, try to divert attention from the FACTS by claiming that facts are not involved. Aronsohn and Sonenfeld were found GUILTY of misusing public funds. This was not Ridgewood residents who determined their guilt. It was a group of seven independent people who have nothing to do with Ridgewood and everything to do with open, honest government. Open, honest government is something that Aronsohn, Sonenfeld, and their defenders know nothing about.
7:40 – Hahaha, this is not the old council. Roberta was never an elected official, although she fancied herself as such. And this picture was not taken by Boyd, it is from the camera of Jan Philips. Sweet irony.
To remind the residents that voted for the 3 amigos how screw up they were.
Doesn’t Paulie look a little like Springsteen…?
Aronsohn always has that doe-in-the-headlights look, eyes blank, mouth slightly slack.
Jan Philips is in the peanut gallery alright. She is a decaying moldy nut at that.
12:30 The way people attack each other and try to tear down anyone who is not molded to his/her position, the original terminology was probably correct.