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The Village Council has requested that the Village’s Engineering Department review alternative options with respect to the route(s) dump trucks will take after being loaded with soil excavated at The Dayton construction site

dump truck

November 9,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, UPDATE: The Village Council has requested that the Village’s Engineering Department review alternative options with respect to the route(s) dump trucks will take after being loaded with soil excavated at The Dayton construction site. Council members are reluctant to sign off on any plan that directs all trucks through a single residential neighborhood. Alternative options may include distributing the truck traffic via two (2) or more separate routes. A Resolution approving the associated Soil Movement Permit was scheduled for approval at last night’s Village Council Public Meeting, but was removed from the agenda in advance of the meeting.

11 thoughts on “The Village Council has requested that the Village’s Engineering Department review alternative options with respect to the route(s) dump trucks will take after being loaded with soil excavated at The Dayton construction site

  1. Hate to state the obvious but you either turn north on Broad and enter the hallowed CBD or you head south on Broad away from the CBD. I assume the goal is to get to Route 17 or Route 208 as directly as possible. They should limit hours of operation and number of trucks per day, and of course dirt must be covered and trucks cleaned off before entering roadway..

  2. we could use the dirt…

    Dump it at town hall and build a dirt wall to prevent the police station from flooding when it rains.

    Or take all that dirt and replace the million dollar cancer causing turf over on Maple with some dirt and plant grass.

    Or fill in Graydon so those afraid of bird can build a concrete monstrosity

  3. There is no other option. Eliminate the in street parking during the times it will happen, increase police presence and warn the school. There’s no other option.

  4. North on South Broad, north on North Broad, east on Franklin Ave, north on North Maple, east on Linwood to Route 17.

  5. I agree dump all The dirt in the pool

  6. Hopefully the big know it all head of engineering is aware of the rather formidable speed hump on south broad near edwards dirt will be spilling all over the place when those loaded tandem axle dump bodies roll over that would not want to be living near there cracks in the wall of your foundation for sure

  7. Bike Lane Rutishauser is going to costs the Village a lot of money if he doesn’t remove that speed bump before he send those trucks down S Broad St. To the members of the Ridgewood Council who read the Ridgewood Blog. A word to the wise. Do not take the residents of S Broad St lightly.

  8. 4:42


    concrete monstrosities ( ironically both with Ramps) are in fashion with the VC.

    God save the walking public amidst a dark winter afternoon…..= toast…

    neither a laughing matter ..

  9. 8:09 Scape that speed bump puppy flatter than a nailhead with the leaf
    bulldozer fleet pounding the crap out of our foundations to pick up a pile of leaves on every street,only in Ridgewood is all this possible,.alt reality ..

  10. I can’t believe he still has a job

  11. The comment that they must go down S Broad to avoid the revered CBD completely ignores that that choice sends them into the equally revered Glen Rock CBD or by a Glen Rock school and Library. If Ridgewood wants to build there, Ridgewood has to figure out a way to take it’s lumps and not dump them into a neighboring town.

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