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The Village of Ridgewood Has a Budget

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Village Council adopted a $61.2 million budget with a 2.74% municipal tax rate increase, which is below the current rate of inflation. That equates to a municipal tax increase of $144 on the average home assessed at $710,168.

Please keep in mind that the Village is only responsible for 23.4% of the total taxes collected, while the budgets for the schools, county and public library make up the remaining 76.6% of your tax bill.

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9 thoughts on “The Village of Ridgewood Has a Budget

  1. The library has its own separate wedge. I never realized that there was no oversight by the Village. It explains their “Dream Big” plans.

  2. County and Municipal budgets have increased dramatically in last 4-5 years!!

  3. Pretty funny how the thing everyone fights about the most is the 0.175%

  4. Between Municipality schools, county and state, I guess the average person in the village with pay least 600 more in taxes

  5. Keith broke his arm patting himself on the back.

  6. We don’t care.
    We’ll happily pay.

    We’re RICH and STUPID

  7. this is not sustainable!

  8. Most people would not want to move away from the home where they have spent majority of their life, if they can afford to continue to live there. It’s sad that the current system forces people to leave their neighborhood and restart making connections in their fragile age.

    1. You think you have a right to put down roots? This isn’t the 13th Century or something like that. Those days are over. You serve the economy. I know you think it’s the other way around but you’re wrong, obviously, otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining. Can’t afford it? Be a better producer. You can’t be a good global citizen unless you produce more than you consume. It’s a simple equation.

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