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The Whitestone Associates report is critical as to why the scale of the expansion of the hospital should not go ahead

>The Whitestone Associates report is critical as to why the scale of the expansion of the hospital should not go ahead 

The Whitestone Associates report is critical as to why the scale of the expansion of the hospital should not go ahead – 12 trucks an hour for 8 hours a day and the foundations of local homes been damaged, these are just some of the real issues that the village as a whole will face. Together with the noise, the increased level of traffic and the general dangers posed by such an undertaking, the Village needs to look carefully as to why this project is something that we must not undertake. A legal remedy that the hospital will seek, should its plans be quashed, will amount to nothing based on the findings of this report.

We must be mindful that the Village has a duty to care for its tax-paying citizens and most importantly, for the children that will be caught in the crosshairs of this massive project – regardless of what side of town they live on and regardless of their numbers. Endangering the welfare or life of just one child is something that can not be tolerated.

Another important factor that needs to be touched on is the companies that will be potentially hired by Valley for this supposedly massive project – will the Village get an opportunity to review the track records of these companies as those records relate to health and safety history, employment history (most construction companies that undertake these sized projects have in the past been found guilty of hiring illegal immigrants and paying them below average wages off their books). What recourse will the Village have against Valley and the companies should anything untoward happen?

It’s important to remember that the issue of the expansion plan comes with numerous sub-issues that all need to be addressed and I am of the opinion that that most of those sub-issues have not been addressed or even placed on the radar.


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