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This Tuesday Author, Israel Vincente – Special Guest Speaker , “For the People – Time to Take Our Country Back!”

Author, Israel Vincente

Author, Israel Vincente – Special Guest Speaker
January 17, Tuesday – 7PM
650 American Legion Drive, Teaneck N J

NJTPC is proud to have as our guest speaker, Israel Vicente.

Israel is a technology entrepreneur and founder of GCS, a successful global IT consulting firm based in New Jersey, where he lives.  In his role as CEO of GCS, Israel has had the opportunity to speak to many people throughout the U.S. and overseas, giving a firsthand perspective of their experiences, successes, and hardships.

In 2014, he published two nonfiction books, The Courage to Be Different and Divergent Lives. The lead-up to the 2016 presidential contest served as inspiration for his third book………..

“For the People – Time to Take Our Country Back!”

America is still the greatest country in the world, although plagued with many challenges that have been ignored or exacerbated by our leaders. The American people are fed up, tired, and angry. The most recent Presidential election is proof that people are driving towards taking our country back from the cliff from which it is now perched.

With the national debt hovering above $19 trillion and rising; the middle class still decimated by the Great Recession that followed the financial crisis of 2008; millions of Americans either unemployed or severely underemployed as more U.S. companies replace American workers with lower wage staff by either relocating their businesses overseas or employing illegal immigrants and foreigners with worker visas here at home; and the constant fear of terrorism at home and abroad – all while seeing President Obama and Former Secretary Hillary Clinton work tirelessly to diminish American exceptionalism. America looks towards new leadership that will reset the direction of the country before the U.S. economy fully collapses, Iran secures a nuclear weapon, North Korea succeeds in launching one, and a resurgent Russia further expands its dominance in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

For the People gives an American citizen’s voice to the people’s dissatisfaction with how our leaders in Washington have managed, or, more accurately, mismanaged the people’s affairs. Americans are exhausted with the constant bickering between Congress and the Executive branch of our government that has resulted in years of stagnation. The turmoil has caused far too many citizens to lament the demise of the American dream of prosperity and upward mobility.

This book is a wakeup call to all Americans to protect and secure the future of the United States of America.

Come and hear Israel’s perspective and treat a friend to a great night out!

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