photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Paramus NJ, three (3) individuals were reportedly attacked by a loose dog(s) on the Lower Field of the Parkway School in Paramus shortly before 11:00 am on Thursday, 03/14. Preliminary information from the scene indicated that one (1) adult and two (2) children were injured. Multiple Paramus Police officers rushed to aid the victims along with two (2) ambulances and two (2) Paramus EMS supervisory/support staff members. Injuries sustained by the victims were said to have been minor and non-life threatening in nature. An individual walking three (3) dogs on leashes was seen being interviewed by police officers after leaving the athletic/playing field area and securing the dogs in a privately owned vehicle. There was no word from police officers at the scene as to whether those dogs were involved in the incident. A representative of Tyco Animal Control also responded to the location; no dog(s) were in her possession when she departed the school property.
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* No children were injured.
it’s true, no human were injured, only the dogs.
A Paramus dog park, eh? I’ll start making the popcorn before the assumptions start to fly.
Unleashed dogs on school property?