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Toddler’s Tricycle Hit by Vehicle in Ridgewood: Child Escapes Unharmed

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a toddler riding a tricycle narrowly avoided injury after being struck by a vehicle Friday morning while crossing the street with their father, according to local police.

Incident Details

The accident occurred on Kenwood Road, near a curve in the street, Ridgewood Police Chief Forrest Lyons reported. The toddler was riding their tricycle when the vehicle struck the back tires, damaging the tricycle.

Fortunately, the child was unharmed in the incident.

Precautionary Measures

Although the child showed no signs of injury, both the toddler and the father were transported to Valley Hospital for precautionary evaluation, Chief Lyons added.

A Reminder for Road Safety

The incident underscores the importance of vigilance for both drivers and pedestrians, especially near curves and residential areas. Drivers are encouraged to slow down and remain alert, while parents should exercise extra caution when crossing streets with young children.

Last month, a car struck a house on West Saddle River Road. At the Citizen Safety Advisory Committee last evening three people showed up. I was not one of them. Notes to follow.
Next meeting is Thursday, February 20.

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11 thoughts on “Toddler’s Tricycle Hit by Vehicle in Ridgewood: Child Escapes Unharmed

  1. Good time to remind bicycle riders that when you are riding a bicycle in the crosswalks you are NOT a pedestrian. To be a pedestrian you must get off your bicycle and walk.

    1. many times cyclists riding fast have cut in front of me in a crosswalk when i was making a turn… they almost became a hood ornament… last week it was a skateborder …usually at the corners where the inconsiderate residents don’t cut the bushes

    2. Exactly. And I don’t care that it was toddler, if you’re operating a vehicle, doesn’t matter how many wheels, you should be required to have a valid license. The dumb kid was probably on their phone too.

    3. What’s your point? WTF does this have to do with almost running over a kid on a trike? It was a kid. On a tricycle. Not some jackass cyclist wearing earbuds.

      Imagine your kid is almost roadkill and the d-bag driver lectures you about context classifications. GTFO.

  2. Uninjured? Really? Are we sure? Hmm.

  3. Did the driver stop?

  4. Are you sure of the accuracy here James? Is it possible this event is being deliberately downplayed due to its proximity to Schedler?

    1. The story is probably being downplayed for the simple reason that this council doesn’t prioritize health and safety until people start complaining loudly at council meetings. You think West Glen would have sidewalks if people didn’t show up to complain. It isn’t right that they care more about sports and not safety.

  5. This seems to be a dead-end story

  6. How many kids are riding in bicycles with AirPods in the ears, and they can’t even hear the traffic so stupid. Some of these bicyclist riding all over the damn road, just like when people walk right off the curb into the road without looking stupid asses.

  7. A toddler on a tricycle shouldn’t be anywhere near vehicular traffic.

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