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Trenton shooting kills one, leaves 22 injured , days after New Jersey Governor Signs Major Gun Control Legislation

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June 18,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, just days after Governor Phil Murphy signed six new major gun control measures into law, giving the the Garden State the strictest gun control in America , a dispute between rival gang members may have led to a shooting that erupted in the early-morning hours of a popular all-night arts festival in Trenton, killing one, injuring 22. None of those laws stopped a mass shooting this weekend at a Trenton, or saved a single person .

Just four days ago Governor Phil Murphy on Twitter outlined some of the changes that would take place following the enactment of what he called “landmark legislation,” including requiring background checks on private gun sales, the reduction of magazine capacity, a ban on armor-piercing bullets, and keeping “guns out of the wrong hands.”

According to Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri the deceased suspect has been identified as Tahaij Wells, 33. Wells was released from prison and on parole since February on homicide-related charges.

The one man in custody is Amir Armstrong, 23, who has been charged with a weapons offense. Armstrong remained hospitalized in stable condition.

A third unidentified suspect was hospitalized in critical condition.

12 thoughts on “Trenton shooting kills one, leaves 22 injured , days after New Jersey Governor Signs Major Gun Control Legislation

  1. Im sure that the shooters were all law abiding citizens and obtained their firearms legally.

  2. What happen to all the gun laws that were suppose to stop this?

    Governor Phil Murphy responded to Sunday’s deadly shooting by calling for new controls on guns. But a suspect’s gang membership – and early release from prison after Murphy took office – may have been bigger factors.

  3. Since when do criminals obey laws.
    I’d like to ask Murphy where the guns originate
    Do tell us that these scumbags didn’t have the proper permit to purchase a handgun
    When will democrats stop passing stupid laws that penalize legal gun owners
    How about crime control

  4. This gun control is such a bogus drive by liberals. It doesn’t stop criminals from getting/using guns and if some psycho wants to harm someone they only have to find a vehicle or pressure cooker…we can’t ban everything, simply not possible as evidence by this event. Liberals use this to raise funds and it has little to do with fixing the complex problems.

  5. Murphy is on-track to make him less liked than Jim Florio.

  6. Let pass a couple more gun laws.Im sure they will work on people like them.

    After nearly two decades of gang involvement, Tahaij Wells, 32, was released from prison on “homicide-related charges” only four months before he and Amir “Mir” Armstrong, 23, became the suspected gunmen at the Art All Night festival in Trenton on Sunday. Wells was shot and killed in the gunfire, while Armstrong was arrested in the tragedy in which 17 people were shot.

  7. Wow… laws don’t stop criminals… who knew?

  8. Typical liberal pass the buck bullshit.
    Quite an incredible embarrassment after the ink dried on such fine legislation.
    Enough is enough. The posturing days are over and the draconian gun laws only screw the good law abiding citizens who need to protect themselves and their families. No goldman sack O shit is going to stop me from my Constitutional right under the second amendment… NEVER.

  9. real reason… Trenton is a S-hole

  10. LOL Murphy was too busy crying about the media “releasing” his sons medical records. This is a perfect example of how gun control and tighter gun laws are not going to stop much or ANY of our countries gun violence. This was a gang rivalry which means 99% of the guns used we’re probably bought off the black market, has nothing to do with people who are willing to buy a gun legally, Same thing with columbine, all the guns those kids had we’re from the black market as well. The liberals don’t understand that you can take all the gun stores THAT DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY. Eventually, good guys won’t have guns, bad guys will….and that’s when humanity starts screwing itself over, but after all….that’s what the liberals want.


  12. There are people in high places of government, of wealth, of influence – that all want to see their power at least maintained and, if possible, increased. A corollary of their goal is to reduce/remove the power of the individual citizen as much as possible. Since the power of the individual cannot be reduced to zero while the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution is in effect, they seek to diminish the effect of that Amendment by any means possible.
    Every THINKING person knows that gun laws only penalize law-abiding citizens; criminals do not, by definition, obey laws – they are CRIMINALS. But the passage of more strict gun laws in NJ is not without some intended effects:
    1-it further chips away at the 2nd Amendment
    2-it makes Murphy look like he’s “taking action” against “gun crime”.
    3-it makes older law-abiding gun owners more apt to move out of NJ – which would be wonderful for the Left.
    NB – for a high-level view of where the USA is as a country today, look up “The Tytler Cycle of Democracy”.

    REMEMBER: it’s not the wand, it’s the magician…

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