the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, at the December 13 Village Council meeting, the two long-serving Village Historians were dismissed by the Council majority is a terribly embarrassing and hypocritical display. Joe Suplicki and Peggy Norris were lauded by Vagianos, Winograd, Perron, and Weitz, at the same time that they were being kicked to the curb. It was cringe-worthy. It must be noted that Norris and Suplicki had sent a letter to the Council stating their strong objection to putting a huge artificial turf field over the historic Schedler property. Smelled like RETRIBUTION was the reason for their dismissal.
Councilwoman Lorraine Reynolds was the sole objector from our elected officials. She said she thought Suplicki and Norris should continue for as long as they were willing, as they are both so very competent and knowledgeable. Lorraine also said she was saddened by the way these two fine individuals were treated at the meeting.
Following Councilwoman Reynolds’ comments, Mayor Vagianos opined that “to make the replacement of Peggy and Joe an issue is not an issue, and to make it an issue is disingenuous.” Yes, he said DISINGENUOUS.
At the end of the meeting, a member of the public stated that characterizing anything Ms. Reynolds says as DISINGENUOUS is far from the truth, as the Councilwoman is honest, sincere, and speaks the truth to her four council colleagues even when her comments fall on the eight deaf ears of Vagianos, Weitz, Winograd, and Perron.
Mayor Vagianos then immediately declared that he had not called her disingenuous and that his comment had not been intended for Councilwoman Reynolds. Even though he said it right after Councilwoman Reynolds’ heartfelt condemnation of the dismissal of the two historians.
The Mayor seems to believe that if you tell a lie loudly and firmly, it somehow is not a lie.
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What bull shit This village has become.I told you this town is dirty. One scam after the next. The village has gone down in the past three years.every one that works there is a puppet for the town top management, every body sees it. No one can think for themselves anymore. Do what we say or you’re fired. They don’t want anyone that has a brain, because thing you become a threat. They want all new workers young so they can control them. They do not want any old employees anymore, there’s no loyalty, they want ass kisses, storytellers, Bastards that’s why morale is back to the curb. And that’s why the village is not leaders anymore, what a joke.
And they wonder why they can’t fill committee volunteer seats
oh they can fill them, with people from their camp. Now Janis Furman will be on HPC? Her husband was on the one village one vote, where our rights to vote was taken away.
Good catch. I caught that too. Another bad actor just like her hubs and Siobahn Whino
Well it is very simple to look the other way when looking for a realtor and I think she works for Terrie OI’Connor, according to Google, so anyone has the choice to not use her services to represent them in selling their home. We all have choices that result from things we do or say and if she chooses to swim in this politial cesspool, then so be it.
Yeah, no. Paulie definitely called Lorraine disingenuous. I was watching. It was clear it was directed at her. The only thing disingenuous was his attempt to cover his ass.
Someone mntioned that Evan stated that he had been waiting a long time to read the procolmation which seems very suspcious and shows that a decision had been in the works for a while about making a change to put an employee into the role as chair.
There’s a certain irony when 2 historians who know Ridgewood history are asked to leave because the Mayor and Council want to change Ridgewood history.
Don’t forget about the shady consultant, Primavera. Those are our tax dollars paying that scumback, lower than low (according to his references). You know, the guys who owes hundreds of thousands in leins as he didn’t pay people who worked for him, but is bilking Ridgewood.
never have i ever seen such a bunch of liars from the mayor, VM, Engineer, majority council. Scumbags with no soul.
It further diminishes any trust that the residents of Ridgewood have in this Mayor and majority council. There is no trust and if their only legacy is to put the ballfield on this historic property while practically bankrupting the Village, then what good are they? Paulie may have to take his sub par gyro show on the road.
Peggy looked so sad that night and Joe just looked defeated. It was horrible. So grateful that Lorraine stood up against the four evils
Of course they look sad. They can see right through this giant truckload of bullshit that is backing up and dumping on everyone. You can personally thank Paul, Pam, Siobahn and Evan for taking 2 special people, so highly regarded and forcing them out. It is beyond disgraceful.
Scumbag Council majority strikes again!
Very sad. Reads like a page out of Washington DC. Who is this town being run for?
It’s being run for people of vision and consequence. Apparently, you’re not invited.
It’s been run for corrupt and autocratic leadership and that’s why you were invited. Because you agree with that nonsense and why you post as anonymous.
Very sad, all of this over the placement of a ball field where it should NEVER be, right next to a highway. Right next to a HIGHWAY!
Valley is gone
New sports complex
Then all those in bf neighborhood in support of schedler will be pissing and moaning
Is it possible that Vagianos is worse than Aronsohn? This is truly a new low.
Nothing was lower than the “pillow talk” during Arohnson’s rein.
For all the outraged Ridgewood residents, VOTE next year and tell everybody you know to vote. Elections have consequences!
Why doesn’t The Record pick up these incredible VC stories…or do they eat for free at IGTM…?
Oh what people do to get their name on a commemorative bronze plaque. Read up on the juvenile lead poisoning attributed to parks and playgrounds along the FDR Drive in NYC. Or don’t, and expose these kids (and fat middle age Sunday beer league softball players) to the effects of systematic lead poisoning.
He is worse. He makes Aronson look good!
No one cares anymore they just put in their time and they go home. Why would anybody go above and beyond anymore. And not gonna get anything out of it. No more of that boys, no more feather in your cap. It’s done.
Yup. And it may be an apathetic response, but it’s a perfectly logical apathetic response. But the trouble, as always, is that the vacuum will continue to be filled with sows that love the mire.
Well I would not go so far as to say that he makes Aronsohn look good. They are both poison.
Don’t understand how Matt Rogers can do drinking with Pee Wee…distance yourself, Counselor.
$200k and more, are you kidding. He is a soldier in the army, just like the new VM, Mr. photo op I used to be mayor but now I am only an arrogant VM making $300k+ to call balls and strikes.
Bottom line. Our council is corrupt and Vag is a very creepy, slimy guy. He makes my skin crawl. I’d rather have Don Corleone as mayor.
Wouldn’t we all? Not everyone’s shot of grappa, but honorable at least.
This bunch is the lowest of the low. They have lied and cheated these taxpayers with their machinacitons. it is really awful and the hits keeps coming. They won’t be finished until they finish the Village which is falling apart. Morale at Village Hall is at an all time low and narrowly missed a planned furlow this time last year, until hoards of village worked showed up to stake their claim and make their voices heard and Paulie ran scared and pulled the magical dollars out of the hat but please don’t think it won’t happen again.
How much does everyone hate Paul Vagianos? Doer of pretty much nothing good and his merry band of dingbats in shitshow Shan gri la. Welcome to pur village, come see our designer garbage cans. I think everyone really detests him. Unless you are Gail Price and Richard Brooks getting a handsome $47k loan from him not the long ago. Yeah, disingenuous is a good word for Paul.
Paulie V is just doing his job, and quite well, from a certain perspective.
Speaking of designer garbage cans, I also noticed they recently replaced the blank inner blue rims of the recycling receptacles with blue rims featuring white lettering indicating their purpose — a most practical improvement.
Maybe this small club of haters.
Fact is that he was elected by residents who think highly of him. I don’t know why anyone volunteers in this time. You just get personally criticized for trying to help the town.
And for you people that work for the village of Ridgewood don’t even tell anybody, it’s actually embarrassing. Right now the village is at its lowest level ever. The workers used to be proud to work for the village not anymore. It’s done, and the poor new workers, the newbies they have no idea what they’re in for.
Appalling and mortifying.
In a democracy you can speak the truth, and that is the only thing Joe and Peggy ever speak.
Yup, quite Orwellian…
What people need to realize is that this mayor and majority council will do anything they can to produce their field. They will lie, they will hire a shady consultant who has also lied about his credentials, had a previous perjury case, other misdeeds, mistated project completions or involvement in things he didn’t work on and his agenda has always been to just do what the council is paying him for and in his words “complete his assignment to put an athletic field on the Schedler property”. Siobahn driving him around town and becoming his informant (again, his words) and giving him a tour and the history of Ridgewood. Right there we have a problem as this dingbat knows very little if anything except that she grew up here. Paulie probably wants to look like a big hero to his friend Don Delzio and on and on. Evan is useless but also has probably made promises and who knows why Pam sold her soul to the devil as a former tree hugger and park lover, she can’t make up her mind what her priorities are except to be the popular girl at the dance in France. So none of these dirty underhanded steps towards their goal should be a surprise. It is just a shame because they are all showing their true colors. Heck maybe the sub par gyro king will loan money to people at 10% interest, Siobahn could go on to manage the soccer bunnies, Evan, can direct traffic over at the park and ride. Their legacy after this shitshow will be nothing short of not spectacular, that I am convinced of.
Keith can spin things any way he wants and along with Matt try to protect and deflect for this horrible council. Very few people actually know what is going on but for those of us who do, I would just say, that these guys are mostly focused on spending money on the field and don’t care about much else. After all, Siobahn Winograd has her scorecard to check off. Evan has done little or nothing except for getting the park and ride sorted out because he is a commuter (talk about working for all of your constituents) and because promises were made to the sports people, their marching orders have been given. When Paul is not loaning money to his good friends, Gail Price and Richard Brooks, and trying to ensure that parking lot is full, what else does he have on his plate? He should be laser focused on the PFAS remediation as Ridgewood’s water is really bad and people may get sick. Where is he on this topic, except for his infamous “PFAS is everywhere” academy award winning performance.
1. What is the specific – not vague, but specific – reason given that the two previous historians were let go if it was not because they disagreed with the scheduler property? And 2. what is the opinion of the new historian on the property, and specifically – specifically – why was the new one hired with regards to skills not held by the two previous historians? 3. Can someone post both the previous historians written opinions about scheduler and 4. Can someone post Vahianos talk saying it had nothing to do with their opinion on Shedler?
#1 Vagianos read a statement after several negative articles were published related to swift changes to the landscape of Ridgewood’s HPC by the Record, Patch and social media. He stated “that after 2 decades of service, as the years have passed, their connection to the village has become attenuated and they have not had any connection to the village for many years” Residency or employment is the criteria given so that the new person can be closer to the “day-to-day”
#2 The new historian who currently works at the Ridgewood Library is an employee not living in Ridgewood and has been appointed for a term of 5 years. No one is aware of her qualifications or background and was not discussed in any public forum.
#3 The mayor said that this was not retailiation based on the historians sending 2 letters to the state agency governing the property, both were read into record and people do not believe that this is not a direct result of the fact that they spoke out.
You can find these on youtube as both letters were read into public record.
If anyone is attenuated it is the Mayor, Paul Vagianos. He thinks he is the teflon Don. But the truth always comes out, so he should watch his actions.
attenuated [əˈtenyəˌwādəd], ADJECTIVE
having been reduced in force, effect, or value.
You mean Teflon Joe, right? Don is being dragged through courts over every breath he has taken while joe is as untouchable as ever.
The next big thing waste management will be coming in taking over sanitation and recycling and yard waste. They have the eyes on the village.
You know, it only took one year to build the Empire State Building.
Unfortunately this bunch of slimebags, Paul Vagianos, Siobahn Whinograd, Pam Perron and Evan Weitz, are the jagged little pills that Ridgewood taxpayers unfortunately need to swallow (figuratively). People need to rise up and tell them to stop wasting tax dollars on nonsense. Thankfully, they will be gone one day, not too soon. You will still probably see these maggots around town and you can just look at your feets as you walk by. I hope their legacy keeps them up at night pondering how they could be so rotten as they are regarded by so many in such a negative way. Even the sports crowd will move on eventually as it will never be enough and they will just be looking for another field til they take over the village.
valley hospital site coming right up!!
Did you vote for Vagianos? A lot of people did. We could have had Melanie who is a straight shooter and no one owns her. No sports groups. No CBD landlords. Etc. Oh but LAURIE BENDER had to go and post a vitriolic bunch of lies about Melanie because she wanted Paul to get elected. This pushed Melanie down. Thanks Bender.
No one hated Paul more than Laurie. Laurie and Susan Knudsen had been friends for decades and VERY closely aligned. I think Laurie’s accusation killed her longtime friendship with Susan . . . a terrible price to pay for both of them.
Laurie had little to do with Melanie’s not being elected. Very few saw Laurie’s accusation and the few that did were not flipping their votes from Melanie to Paul. Melanie had a staunch cohort of supporters who were not influenced by Laurie’s accusation. I believed Laurie and still voted for Melanie because I sure as hell wasnt voting for Paul. No one I know flipped their vote.
And let’s be honest. Melanie’s worst enemy at the time was Melanie. She was mess and most people knew it (fighting in the street with neighbors? Public drunkeness? Public ex-husband disputes all over FB).
That said. I think Melanie has gotten her act together and would make a great candidate for Council. But I think she’s evolved from that now….
It wasn’t a “bunch of lies.” Bender said her truth about a single interaction (out of many) she had with with Hooban. Laurie had supported Hooban up until that point.
Paul trounced Melanie. 4,100 votes to 2,646 votes.
Bender didn’t change that many minds . . . Melanie lost all on her own.
Relationships don’t have to be transactional, unless you are part of Paul Vagianos and the majority council, Siobahn, Evan and Pam. Everything they do proves it and they’ve got the Village Manager and Village attorney to help deflect their reckless behavior
Susan is well off without Laurie as a friend. Laurie is not someone to have in your life. And you are dead wrong if you think Laurie’s vitriolic post did not kill Melanie’s chances of winning. It most certainly did. Laurie is despicable and she lied about Melanie. If she hated Vagianos so much then why did she torpedo his only opponent. You, dear anonymous poster, are dead wrong here
I am absolutely correct and stand by my post 100%. Blame the red head who Melanie was street brawling with for her loss. Blame Melanie’s public antics for her loss. Blame her public rants about her ex for her loss. Blame the Y for firing her. Blame her radical Trump- loving son for her loss. Could any of this have contributed to Melanies loss. By the time Laurie spoke out, Melanie’s judgement was squarely in question.
Laurie absolutely did, and does, despise Paul. She supported Melanie until, according to Laurie, Melanie made anti-Semitic remarks. Laurie did not say “Don’t vote for Melanie” she said “here what you should know about Melanie what I heard Melanie say. This is her character.” Her post was not vitriolic, it was calm and simply stated what Laurie perceived to have happened. Melanie vigorously denied Laurie’s claims. They cancelled each other out.
Laurie is not a fan of our lying and cheating mayor. She is way too honest for his slimebag tactics. She does not roll with this majority because they are the lowest of low on every level. You m8ght not like her but she’s got a string moral character unlike this bunch of posers.
she was a major Paul Aronsohn A$$kisser, give it a rest
Nope. She was always in Susan’s corner.
Detested Arohson, the high density housing he pushed, the oversized garage, etc. not a cintilla of support did Bender give Arohson.