the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Twp. of Washington NJ, the township is looking to develop the old swim club property by preserving open space and increasing recreation . Mayor Peter Calamari spelled out some very preliminary findings in a Facebook post :
I would like to present the residents with the following information the administration received regarding the Swim Club property.
The materials are as follows (click each link for file):
- Letter from Recreation Director Eamonn Twomey.
- A Realistic Development Potential letter from Boswell Engineering explaining the status of the property including current features and conditions as well as future potential uses.
- Boswell Engineering List indicating fields in the area they are currently designing and those they have designed in the past.
- General Concept Proposal showing location of where playing fields would be permissable on the property.
- Environmental Constraints Elevation showing topography and usable/unusable portions of the property. I want to emphasize this is the first proposed use.
Boswell Engineering has extensive experience in recreation field development and has created a potential plan consistent with the needs of the Township as indicated in the accompanying letter by Recreation Director Twomey. Director Twomey has been hands on with the fields and recreation programs for over a decade. He understands the current needs and follows the future trends diligently. We also have a Recreation Advisory Board that represents different groups of our residents.
Between the three of them, and members of the public, I am confident we have excellent professionals and experienced and knowledgeable volunteers to help guide us through the process of deciding the best possible uses for this wonderful space and incredible opportunity.

No funds have been allocated for changes or improvements at this time. No votes have been taken.
These materials will hopefully help educate everyone about the potential and constraints of the property and its future uses. They are meant to stimulate and enhance the dialogue that is taking place and will continue to take place in the future as we move forward with this incredible and unique opportunity.
Mayor Calamari
December 18,2022
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Are those really soccer pitches disguised as 60×90 baseball fields…?
I thought Bergen Catholic was buying that property.
I suggest building a GINORMOUS GARAGE.
… it will be a real money maker !
Not in Ridgewood. Unless, project lines pockets and benefits select employees.