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Under New Bill Universities that Provide the Majority of its Classes Online due to Covid-19 and don’t lower tuition would have its state aid cut

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Assemblyman Ron Dancer bill incentivizes colleges to lower tuition for remote learning

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON NJ, Public and private universities that provide the majority of its classes online due to Covid-19 and don’t lower tuition would have its state aid reduced under a bill introduced by Assemblyman Ron Dancer.“Students take on a lot of debt for the full slate of services and opportunities college provides in addition to education,” said Dancer (R-Monmouth). “If they can’t enjoy those services and opportunities, they shouldn’t have to pay for them. Hopefully, colleges choose to save students money instead of losing state aid.”Under the bill (A4499), the state secretary of Higher Education would determine a methodology for how much state aid colleges would lose.

One thought on “Under New Bill Universities that Provide the Majority of its Classes Online due to Covid-19 and don’t lower tuition would have its state aid cut

  1. Good call. A uni has become a dubious product at best even before covid. Now it’s a total scam. Clearly the students are too desperate and naive to fight against faculty and admins. Govt leadership is needed.

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