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Unoccupied SUV Riddled with Bullets Wednesday Early Morning in Waldwick

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, Representatives from the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bureau of Criminal Investigation were observed collecting physical and photographic evidence from the scene of an incident on Grove Street, Waldwick in which a parked, unoccupied Lexus SUV was riddled with bullets during the early morning hours of Wednesday, 11/30. No injuries were reported in the incident. Following their on scene collection of evidence, the vehicle was towed to a Sheriff’s Office location in Hackensack for further inspection. Police have not yet revealed what may have motivated the currently unknown shooter(s) to take aim at the late model Lexus SUV. Several area residents are reported to have heard the gunshots and provided investigators with doorbell video footage of individuals/vehicles traveling on streets near the shooting just prior to, and after it took place.

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Sources have raise concern over gang activity namely MS13 . MS-13 was formed by Salvadoran immigrants that came to the United States in order to escape the civil war in their home country. The gang is well-organized and is heavily involved in lucrative illegal enterprises, being notorious for its use of violence to achieve its objectives. Fear and intimidation are used in extorting payments from any legitimate or illegitimate business owners for the right to conduct their business in MS-13 territory. MS-13 members have been involved in rapes and witness intimidation.

In addition to local crimes, MS-13 is known to participate in numerous transnational crimes; for example, they are involved in the illegal trafficking of stolen vehicles from the United States to Central America. They also participate in weapon smuggling and illegal firearm sales.

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9 thoughts on “Unoccupied SUV Riddled with Bullets Wednesday Early Morning in Waldwick

  1. Cameras everywhere…never forget that.

  2. They caught the lady. “Surprisingly”, no connections to MS13, despite your “source”. No bogeyman, BLM, or dark brandon either.

    1. The exception proves the rule.

  3. Don’t ever mess with a redhead!

    1. high fences make good neighbors

  4. This broad is screwed and obliviously demented.
    See ya in Bayside chickee.

  5. Boy you are right about redheads, from my experience boy or boy. We need a redhead as a president. No one will mess with us. And what they should do is make her pay for the damage of the car, and then give her community service for three years picking up a litter throughout the town. Sounds good right. Or maybe just give her a job picking up yard waste, and recycling, that Would be worse than jail time.

  6. So very true, community service sounds great

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