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Unprecedented environmental disaster in one of the richest zip codes in America

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photo by Derek Michalski

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, Derek Michalski once again fills us in on the ongoing battle over Pleasant Brook and the unprecedented environmental disaster in one of the richest zip codes in America .  Toll Brothers‘
Apple Ridge Project in Mahwah has been alleged to be pumping mud into local tributary’s down stream in Upper Saddle River and Saddle River .

Michalski says , “Little dirty secret in Upper Saddle River and Mahwah is being exposed by GreenUSR volunteers with the help of brave and honest Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi. Now we can only hope other members of of N.J. Assembly will join this brave attorney, mother and a politician in her quest to get to the bottom of who is responsible for this unprecedented environmental disaster in one of the richest zip codes in America – 07458. Please view pictures from this Thursday morning, September 27, 2018 taken both in Upper Saddle River and in Saddle River. Now since both of our towns are being damaged by failing Mahwah Mayor Bill Laforet and his inability to stop this failing construction project in Mahwah perhaps Attorney General and Governor Murphy should start poking their noses in this heavy Toll Brothers’ mud. The longer we wait the more expensive in my opinion it will be to remove the brown construction crust, silt and sediment from Saddle River and it’s third tributary called Pleasant Brook that has been despositing by continuously pumped mud by Toll Brothers‘ makeshift temporary punmpin stations (questioned last night by Mahwah Environmental Committee-bravo Councilwoman Janet A Ariemma). Potential cleanup litigation will definately be unPleasant and damaging to any of the politicians‘ careers who stayed silent during the past nine month of this environmental carnage of our precious aquifer. Shame, shame, shame on THEM for turning a blind eye “

5 thoughts on “Unprecedented environmental disaster in one of the richest zip codes in America

  1. You pay a heavy toll when you let the Toll Brothers do work in your area.

  2. Exagerate much?
    “unprecedented environmental disaster”
    “brave and honest ”
    “brave attorney”
    ” towns are being damaged”
    ” precious aquifer”

    1. given Ridgewood is a town where residents pay $20 grand in property taxes and can only water their lawn twice a week , I’d say water is a pretty big issue

  3. I live in USR and Pleasant Brook runs through my property and ends here, into the Saddle River. After any rain storm, the Brook is extremely muddy and I’m concerned there may be toxins in the water, especially knowing that Toll Brothers construction site borders the Brook. Saddle River is clear and when it meets the Brook, the difference in water color is quite obvious. We need some data from a water test to determine the severity of this constant after-rain event.

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