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Unraveling the Enigma: Is Jack Zisa a Pawn of Political Incompetence or a Bad Actor?

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The Organization continues to play checkers while others play chess

by Frank T. Pallotta

The story unfolding in Bergen County, New Jersey, presents a complex set of flawed characters, specifically, Chairman Jack Zisa. With more than a decade of hopeless campaigns, embarrassing county losses and most recently, being found guilty of Election Law violations, the question arises: Is Zisa masterminding a structured demise of the GOP in Bergen, for his own personal gain, or is he a clueless participant in a larger scheme orchestrated by the Democrat party in Bergen?

The real answer may lie in the gray area between working against his own party, and basic incompetence. On one hand, there are claims that suggest a deliberate pattern of behavior that undermines the Republican Party. On the other hand, some argue Zisa’s actions may be the result of pure political incompetence, leaving him and the GOP vulnerable to more astute political adversaries.

The case against the Chairman paints an unfortunate picture of a struggling political figure who was recently found guilty of engaging in election law violations against his own party. Critics argue that these actions have left the Bergen County Republican Party rudderless, weakened and fractured.

The alternative view, however, suggests that Chairman Zisa, in a scene out of the movie “Dumb and Dumber” may lack the political acumen necessary to navigate the waters of New Jersey politics.

The question of the Organization’s incompetence is supported almost entirely by a laughable election track record, having lost a staggering 43 out of the last 44 county races going back nearly 13 years! For some perspective, neither party has gone that long without a county win in more than a century (yes, that’s 100 years!). It simply comes down to this: Is Jack an evil genius masterminding a coup from within, or a simpleton whose failures reflect a severe underestimation of the opposition’s capabilities.

Of course, there’s yet another narrative that cannot be easily dismissed. Allegations of backroom deals, intentionally promoting flawed candidates, and retaliation against those who have exposed his shortcomings, suggest a level of political maneuvering and retribution that goes beyond mere incompetence. If these claims hold true, they may imply a conscious effort by Zisa to engage in practices that seek to serve his personal, professional, and financial interests at the expense of the party he was elected to serve. Does Jack have the blood of the Bergen County Republican party on his hands? Is Zisa holding the dagger, or is he the “fixer”?

The road ahead requires a sober assessment of its leaders’ intentions. If they are found to be nothing more than a gaggle of dimwitted fools, the party must prioritize the cultivation of a team, capable of standing toe-to-toe with their political adversaries. If, however, the allegations of corruption prove true, the Organization must take swift actions to cleanse its ranks (not just removing the head of the snake) and recommit to the principles of ethical governance.

Be it corrupt or inept, the situation in Bergen demands a resolution. The Republican voters in our County deserve a party that is both competent and clean, led by individuals who can effectively champion their values, promote & support good candidates, oversee & execute effective campaigns, and secure victories. Formulating a plan is easy. However, the execution of that plan, requires skill.

The path to a brighter future begins with shining a light on the past.

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2 thoughts on “Unraveling the Enigma: Is Jack Zisa a Pawn of Political Incompetence or a Bad Actor?

  1. Jack Zisa ruined the Republican party in Bergen County and everyone is suffering for it! The GOP does this everywhere! Wake up! Or get out of the way!

  2. He’s a devious guy. That’s my answer.

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