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Vagianos and Mortimer Running for Ridgewood Village Council

Ridgewood Village Hall 17

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Mayor Paul Vagianos and Bee Man Frank Mortimer are running to Village Council and have registered with NJ Law Enforcement Election Commission.

Nominating packets are available for Ridgewood residents who are registered voters and wish to run for and serve on the Ridgewood Village Council.   They may be picked up at the Village Clerk’s Office in Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.

The deadline for filing completed nominating petitions, as well as additional election forms, is August 22, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

This year, there are three positions, with four-year terms, to serve on the nonpartisan Village Council, which will be voted on at the November 5, 2024 Municipal Election, during the General Election. The newly elected councilmembers will be sworn in and take office in January 2025.

Please direct any questions concerning the Municipal Election to the Village Clerk’s Office at 201-670-5500, ext. 2201 or

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49 thoughts on “Vagianos and Mortimer Running for Ridgewood Village Council

  1. Frank Mortimer has lost his mind. Who in their right mind would want to associate themselves with Paul Vagianos?

    1. He has been stung by too many bees!🐝

    2. PFAS Paulie is going places! Trenton next…then perhaps DC?

      And what a record to run on!

      A money pit garage, toxic drinking water, millions of dollars wasted on a 2-faced attempt at butchering a historical site (for a sports complex no one wants), his refusal to consider Glen School as a field option (I wonder why)…and now a town owned garage property that will require so much remediation, it will make the brownfields of Newark look like mountain springs in Vermont by comparison.


      1. Well, when you put it like that, how can one not vote for the guy? This is a macher in the making. And it all started here, in little old Ridgewood. You’ll all say you knew him when.

        1. Hopefully real soon we can say we knew the smarmy little weasel and send him on his way.

      2. You forgot some of the more colorful antics too which will be forever emblazoned in the minds of residents like his love for the failed pedestrian plaza and earning “build a wall Paul” rap, finding the shady historic consultant thru his friend Gail Price, $47k mortgage loan to Price/Brooks (think LED billboard), Feed the frontlines $4 million monies and so much more.

      3. we can help him pack!!

      4. “PFAS Paulie is going places! Trenton next…then perhaps DC?”

        Does that mean he’ll close his crappy restaurant?

        1. No way. When the Movie Theater is converted to the Warner Luxury Apartments, the CBD is going to be booming at last.

          PFAS Paulie knows the good times are coming!

      5. You forgot the ginormous billboard on Rt 17

  2. Documents filed with the New Jersey law enforcement election commission indicate that both Paul and Frank are using a consulting firm that is run by the same individual who publishes the Tap Into.

    1. So?

      1. So everything on TapInto will be biased in favor of Paul and his cronies. TapInto was so pro-Paul, anti-Knudsen last election is was disgusting. TapInto is nothing more than a campaign promotor for Vagianos.

        And let’s not forget Siobhans little antic on her “Ridgewood Mom and Dads” FB Page where she links all sorts of election information to TapInto where, you got it, Paul Vagianos ads and promotions are prominently displayed!

        1. 100%.

  3. More rust…

  4. Really Frank? You spout feel-good stuff about bees and nature and then you advocate for cutting down 100-plus trees and laying down plastic. You are disingenuous. Not getting my vote

  5. wait..both are already registered but no communication from the “registered” mayor to residents who want to run and are now 30 days behind. smh

    1. Time to contact the AG? People should know about these dirty characters are and be alerted to all of the misdeeds Ridgewood Village Manager, Mayor Paul Vagianos and others are up to and what they are trying to et away with. Dishonest dealings are the name of the game with the crooked crew. Only problem is you can’t get rid of the other 2 scheming idiots Weitz and Whinograd yet. Housecleaning is in order bigtime.

      1. Blasphemy!

        Evan is an absolute star on this council. His political future is limitless.

        After all, incoherent mumbling devoid of any factual basis and low-energy get you the Oval Office these days!

  6. Frank talks like he is environmentally conscious, saving bees and selling honey and talking about Green Ridgewood but wants to install a turf field? It makes no sense. He does realize what he is doing right? If not, do not run, walk instead.

    1. “It makes no sense. ”

      Classic Gibbgerish is a lost art………………….

      1. Actually, I did not write that comment, but the “It makes no sense” makes perfect sense. Frank is a hypocrite wolf in sheeps clothing just like the other merry band of idiots who all vote as a block. He is just joining the latest sell out.

  7. Is Bee Man joining the Vagianos Magical Mystery Tour or is he trying to win PeeWee’s spot. I am not holding out any hope here with this bunch of morons who have all of their vested interests lined up. Will the council be asking for designer bee hives this year so that we can teach the kiddies about sustainability all the while cutting acres of trees and installing plastic grass.

    1. Last council meeting during Both the 3 min. public comments, F. Mortimer was quick to agree and praise Vagianos and Lorraine R. (which she has been advocating for) on the sidewalks installations, needed for safety for children agreeing its much needed as he also has a child and safety for the community is important.
      Also commented about the 3 min. needed public comment for before & after meetings. A Yes man for Vagianos.

      Yet, at the Volunteer Committee public open meetings he’s on, he shuts down anyone quickly from attempting to want to comment or ask a question! Cuts them off, no show of respect at all.

  8. This seems like leading the sheep into the slaughterhouse. Bee Man will just be another vote to stack the already stacked deck.

  9. Vag knows, many Ridgewood residents are

    So, he’s not worried.

    1. This is getting so old and tiresome. Please get some new material. . . .

  10. Dumb and dumberer…

  11. Vagianos is going to lose. You can take that to the bank. This town is done with him.

    1. Never underestimate the ignorance of the Ridgewood voter…

    2. From your lips to God’s ears

  12. Frank Mortimer must be getting big promises to run. This seat means he is going to loose his livelihood.

    1. A guy who is a self proclaimed “green” guy with a kid no less, then is a bee collector and actually sells honey should be hanging his head in shame that he is pro-turf. Has he not heard about Climate Control? What kind of values are you representing to your child and future generations. But a sports field he can prioritize. What a sell out.

    2. I would assume that any bee guy who is pro turf, cannot prove to you that his product is not synthetic. What a phony. Frank may be done with bees cause he will busy beiing down on his knees.

  13. Two-Faced Frank Mortimer
    Face 1
    * Franklin Mortimer Board Member
    Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board
    *Instructor at the Cornell University Master Beekeeping Program
    *Former President of the New Jersey State Beekeepers Association
    * Owner

    Face 2
    *Known Greenwasher
    *Supports Clear Cutting Acres of Trees
    *Petitioned for more artificial turf in RW
    *Petitioned County to approve land acquisition expanding adverse environmental impacts
    **Exploits bee colonies for gain and commercial profiting from manipulated honey
    *Opposed the New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s (NJDA) bee keeping regulations in Ridgewood. NJDA regulations prohibit bee keeping in densely populated areas because of public risk. The regulation render bee keeping illegal in much of Ridgewood. Despite known risks, Frank’s Honey is harvested and manufactured in and around his residential home in Ridgewood, NJ.

    1. Legit makes me want to vote for him, thanks for the info!

    2. Did Vag give him a mortgage loan too?

    3. Yes – “NJDA regulations prohibit bee keeping in densely populated areas because of public risk.”
      Last year a nice postal carrier got severely stung by multiple bee stings all over himself in residential neighborhood due to a stupid well overgrown ‘no mow May’ and could not work for days. Property location incident was noted, no mail delivery until it got mowed.

      1. No-sting spring!

      2. Sounds like yellow jackets and not honeybees.

      3. First it was NO MOW, then it was SLO MOW, what next, Frankie Bee Boy? Go back to NO MOW because you plan to have people install artificial turf everywhere. Is that the next marketing scheme like the one Vagianos pulled with the Schedler plan? Why not truck on over to the beautiful butterfly conservatory and just plaster it with plastic grass….everywhere. Who needs bees and trees anyway.

  14. What would Cornell and the Bee World say about the Frank Mortimer we know in Ridgewood? #dycelaboratory #cornelluniversity

    1. Maybe he will get a swift kick in the ass and be shown the door as he should for turning his back on nature, sustainability and the environmennt. I cannot imagine that a BEE GUY can advocate for an impervious surface that is highly toxic and will literally harm the environment. Any environmntally conscious person would stand their ground and vote organic, but this bozo wants to be popular at parties for F*CK sake!


    2. #1 Village Greenwasher?

  15. There goes the town! Time to move and move fast before all real estate values collapse!

  16. Instead of calling himself Frank “the Bee Man” Mortimer, he can pivot to calling himself 2 Faced Frank, which will go perfectly with PFAS PauLie, 2 slice Hilly, Evan Waste and Pathetic Perron.

    1. Don’t forget Kaz shark

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