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Valley construction and Ridgewood Schools

April 5,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Somerville, Hawes and Travell parents: please try to attend one or more of the remaining Valley expansion hearings. There are maybe 5 elementary school parents here tonight, and this massive construction plan will affect our children the most over the next decade and beyond in terms of pollution, noise and nonstop truck traffic back and forth in front of Benjamin Franklin Middle School.

Video Courtesy Dana Glazer


9 thoughts on “Valley construction and Ridgewood Schools

  1. Thanks for the Video James.

  2. It’s important for young East Side parents to understand how important this is. Your kids are little but this project will still be going on when they are in middle school. Think about that for a minute. Valley does NOT care about you our your kids. Their lawsuit against the Village claims that Ridgewood “acted capriciously” bu putting the needs of Valley’s immediate neighbors (including Travell School and BF Middle School) above the needs of the region. Said a different way, any detriment to Valley’s immediate neighbors will be outweighed by their self proclaimed benefits to the broader region.

    As taxpayers, voters and parents we need to tell our Planning Board and Village Council not to settle Valley’s lawsuit. Both the Planning Board and Council are stacked with Valley insiders who would love to “settle” and give Valley what it wants. Councilwoman Hauck in particular has already agreed to give Valley 97% of what they asked for as a “settlement” even though there is a clear conflict of interest given her long affiliation with Valley.

    Please come to the meeting tonight and help take your Village back from the special interest groups. Sign the Its2Big parking lot petition too! Enough is Enough!

  3. Be patient, I remember Ridgewood without a hospital.

  4. Village under Seige.Current leadership needs to be seen and held responsible for this chaos and lack of leadership . Being
    completely tone deaf and DISPLAYING outright arrogance to their constituents while taking care of those who happen to not be the taxpayers and homeowners,

  5. MEGA Non conforming hudson street Garage (across from a future land marked Church and schools.).this was a major Signalling to Valley that the foxes were running the VOR HENHOUSE..and why not show a judge
    such inconsistencies…VALLEY DROVE A SHERMAN TANK OVER OUR INCONSISTENT Positions on master plan limits and the uber friendly motions by the mayor and his hunta for more multi family developments.

  6. Follow the money….

  7. They don’t care and the residents are too “polite” to stop them (and they know it)

  8. 7:36 I agree. If those on the council over the years had not been so lax about the master plan this would not have been a problem.

    High density housing is next on the agenda. Like the hospital the developers paint a rosey picture of the village with “affordable” housing. These units will not be affordable, they will cost as much as a house.

  9. I want the FOR SALE sign concession this summer.

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