Ridgewood NJ, If anyone thinks that she should represent us in the law suit all you have to do is look up the minuets Sept 19 H-Z hearing and she what she said. Then you tel me.
Speaking before the council during the “H-Zone” hearings to determine the fate of ‘Renewal’, Hauck said on Sept. 19: “Also, I trust Audrey Meyers, Megan Fraser, all the doctors and volunteers I work with and all the spokespersons of the hospital when they tell me that the hospital will have better services and healthier surroundings if they modernize and expand the way they’ve laid out because they’re the health experts…and I believe them.”
While it may seem unlikely a perfect solution will ever emerge, Hauck stressed a “healthy” and “reasonable” dialogue must emerge for any meaningful change to happen.
Ms. Hauck also signed this letter. Do you still thing she should represent us in the Valley Hospital law suit?
An Open Letter to Fellow Residents of Ridgewood and the Ridgewood Planning Board,
As residents of Ridgewood, we write to share our thoughts about The Valley
We are among the thousands of Village residents who support
To continue to be the high quality hospital that residents of Ridgewood and our neighboring
communities need and desire, it is essential for Valley to renew. Valley must right-size its
operating, diagnostic, and treatment rooms to accommodate new technologies and procedures.
It is also essential for Valley to develop single patient rooms to meet new patient care and
safety standards. These steps are not optional, they are crucial.
During its almost 60-year history, Valley has evolved from a local hospital to the award
winning, top quality regional healthcare organization that it is today. The hospital ranks
among the highest in the nation for both clinical care and patient satisfaction. It has evolved
over time to meet the needs of the communities it serves, and it must do so again. Valley’s
role as a provider of excellent healthcare services for tens of thousands is what makes the
suggested revisions to the Master Plan and H Zone not only acceptable, but vital.
As residents of Ridgewood, we disagree with those who have written or stated that
the Hospital’s
will harm the unique character or way of life of the Village.
In addition, we believe that Valley is wholly committed to the safety and security of the
hospital’s patients, its staff, and the neighbors and students who live and attend school
in the hospital’s neighborhood.
We are proud of The Valley Hospital and we know the majority of our neighbors feel the
same way. As friends and neighbors of many Village residents, we suggest that we move
past the “us vs. them” mentality that has unfortunately become a part of this discussion
and move toward ensuring that Valley remains the hospital that all of us would choose for
ourselves and our family’s healthcare, today, tomorrow, and in the future.
Scott Agins, D.P.M.
Claudia Allocco
Andrea Aluisi
Michael W. Azzara
George Becker, M.D.
Timothy Berry
David F. Bolger
Mary Camerlingo
Tracey Carbone, M.D.
Eugene Cornell
Anne G. Crane
Thomas R. Crane
Charles D. Crowley, M.D.
Elizabeth O. Crowley, M.D.
Bettina M. Daly
Anne Raftery Denyeau
Marc M. Dreier, M.D.
Stephen J. Errico
Kevin M. Fee
Carole E. Forenza
Russell R. Forenza
James D. Fraser
Megan Fraser
Danielle M. Gaglioti
Robin L. Giordano
Robert Gutenstein
Gwenn Hauck
Cynthia Halaby
Diana Hock
Fletcher Hock
John Johansen
Sally Jones
John Kandravy
Leslie Kane
Sue Kelly
Maryann LeBert
Edward and Joan Lefferman
Kenneth Levitsky, M.D.
Hugo Lijtmaer, M.D.
David Lipson, M.D.
Donna H. MacPhee
Gail M. Matthews, M.D.
Susan H. Mayo
Diane Meissner
Klaus J. Meissner
Audrey Meyers
David Namerow, M.D.
John Nasr, M.D.
Ali Nasseri, M.D.
Pat and Mario Perillo
Thomas J. Rakowski, M.D.
Eileen Richardot
Bettie and Howell Rile
Marivic F. Santiago, M.D.
Kathleen B. Sayles
David G. Sayles
Maria Scibetta, M.D.
Marjorie L. Slankard, M.D.
Ann Marie Snyder
Charles J. Snyder
Susan J. Snyder
Jack Tohme, M.D.
Daniel Van Engel, M.D.
Wayne A. Yankus, M.D.
Patricia J. Van Dyke
Victoria Van Dyke
Susan Viniar
Michael Wesson, M.D
Perhaps a Napolean-like exile is in order?
“Able was I ere I saw Elba.”
Valley will still be stacking up patients and treating them in the hallways of the emergency room. It’s ten pounds of crap in a two pound sack.
This actually goes way beyond the confines of conflict of interests. Look, I understand that there are philosophical differences of opinion when it comes to politics and the management of elected officials. However, this is ridiculous. The only reason it goes on is because the vast majority of the Village’s electorate doesn’t know it’s going on.
As the song sings: It’s too late baby,,,,,
Beyond the pale…there is never any payback…summer vacation season is coming and that’s when all the real damage is done by this crew and their backers….People will move when their kids are college bound..and why not…really why stay and pay high taxes to get shafted by own elected government,
Immediate resignations please..the mice were busy while the citizens were hard at work on a petition effort for Garagezilla ..seems that was a head fake with massive impacts incoming…it’s all coming home to roost now,,,
Gwenn Hauck…signature?. Slight conflict of interest here..we are laughing stocks….
Health Experts are reasonable about this over-sized scope? Gimme a break. The Judge Perez Fricia is so off base its insane. Stating that the hospital provides a public interest that extends beyond Ridgewoods borders. No, S Sherlock. The fact is that Valley has already exceeded it’s borders. It’s next to a school in a community neighborhood. Time to move or expand within. What has happened to common sense? Ridgewood is being being steamrolled by the corrupt Coucilwoman Hawek and Valley’s millions. The State has failed us in this judges ruling. Does this ruling take in account Pascack Valley being back so less of a need for this size expansion? Does it take into account all the other properties that Valley owns to expand on. Shame on Valley for doing the wrong thing, which is over expanding in the middle of Ridgewood. You really can’t fight and beat the system. Even when it’s clearly wrong, wrong, wrong. Locally we’re a mess. I believe this is why we will get Hillary vs. Trump, sign of the times everywhere. I support you Pete McKenna in this now stepper battle. Is there a way to keep this in litigation for years and years? BTW, NEVER HILLARY, Trump is the lesser of two evils
Gwen’s not on the Planning Board
So Gwenn …when can we expect your letter of resignation. its over….
No she not 11:50 but she is representing the Village in these negotiations.
12:21pm or anyone else-
Gwenn said on Facebook that there are two negotiations / mediations going on. One between valley and the planning board, the other between valley and the village council. (Gwenn of course is not on planning board but is on village council.) Anyone know what the story is with that and how this all works?
Valley sued the Village of Ridgewood claiming an unfair process in the fdeliberations. Many thousands of dollars was spent by groups opposed to the renewal and for very substantial and convincing reasons. New Jersey requires that we go through a mediation process, it does require that either party has to accept the results. Valley’s “compromise” includes a 1700 spot parking garage on the cornet of Linwood and Van Dien! We have spent years discussing an approx. 400 space parking garage on Hudson Street which is not in the middle of a neighborhood, next to a school and on one of the busiest corners in all of Ridgewood. The planning board is duty bound to protect our village from over development not to appease an entity that has enough money to keep the battle on going. We have a Master Plan and zoning ordinances to protect us. If the Planning Board is wiling to change them in order to allow Valley to go ahead with its plan to almost double its size in the middle of a neighborhood, then we need a new Planning Board that is looking out for the Village of Ridgewood. I say village because many seem to have forgotten that . We worry about signage that isn’t in keeping with our aesthetics. We tell businesses in town what colors they can use on their store fronts and yet we would consider a massive expansion in the middle of a residential area? Our priorities need an overhaul and there is no time to do it. The Planning Board is holding 5 hearings all within a few days of each other starting at the end of March and ending in early April and before an election in May which will change the council by 3 new members. One of our current council members has stated in public that she is “beholden to Valley”. She should recuse herself from any vote on Valley and we may have the law on our side regarding a conflict of interest.
Thank you Linda. Excellent comments
Paul, Albert and Gwenn will be remembered in the history of Ridgewood. (for their bad deeds)
Sorry for errors: ” DOES Not Require! “. I previously left out Not! Kind of important!
to 2,57 u mean one big scam.and others will go down with them, 1 ? 2 ? AND 3 ? WILL follow
I guess we will all see if the folks on the Planning Board have the guts to do the right thing…again.
Gwenn’s conflict of interest has been discussed to death and still she remains on the mediation team. It is truly disgraceful. Appearances are EVERYTHING.
Big Linda, there’s no vote on Valley in front of the Counvil and Gwenn isn’t on the Planning Board. She’s free to support Valley if she chooses to, that’s her right in a free country. And she’s only one of five Council members. The current Mayor has rejected Valley’s expansion plans twice. These are facts, too.
9:26. The Planning Board will vote after the hearings and then it goes to the Council. New Jersey law says that ” It is not necessary to prove that the special interest actually influenced the public official’s decision as long as it creates a possible conflict.” Town officials have recused themselves on a vote with far less an appearance of a conflict of interest than Ms. Hauck.
9.26. It’s a straight forward conflict of Interest.Free country or not once you continuously support financially an organization for which a government or court that you are part of or payed by shall rule or set a policy path for including challenge or affirmation in any matter..decency demands that recusal from that vote or ruling.thats the BIG issue here.
she,s done with the rest of them.
There are 2 lawsuits running simultaneously. Valley vs The Planning Board: the PB is to begin hearings on a possible compromise (not really a compromise when you are going from 995,000 sq ft to 961,000 sq ft!!!) I honestly don’t know how Gail Price could have spoken those numbers as a compromise without laughing.
The 2nd suit, Valley vs the Village Council is still in mediation (I assume, since nothing has been reported otherwise). The 2 members of the village council in the mediation room are Gwenn Hauck and Susan Knudsen. Gwenn Hauck has a clear conflict (real or perceived-she says so has none), and should not be involved in the mediation. It’s completely outrageous.
Isn’t Gail Price’s spouse running for the council? They are tired of the delays at the council level for everything planning board is doing in favor of the developers. So, they now want her spouse on the council to expedite things at the council level.
I’m so glad that the political back room gurus in charge of Ridgewood has decided that the 3 amigos have no chance of get re-elected. I guess the next step will be to find 3 other Gwens who will do what they are told.
I dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike dislike her so MUCH!!
She sold our village. Greedy.