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Valley Hospital Preps to Make the Big Move

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,a reminder that in less than 2 days the Valley Hospital will be moving to Paramus. At 6:00 am on Sunday, April 14th the new Valley Hospital facility will open in Paramus. Patients will be transported from Ridgewood to Paramus via Linwood Avenue, and ambulance staging will take place at Graydon.

The Village of Ridgewood ask you to ,Please avoid the area until early afternoon. 

Maple Field will be closed until 1:00 pm, and we ask residents using Veterans Field to park at Village Hall during the transition.

After 6:00 am on April 14, 2024, all in-patient and emergency care will be provided in Paramus.

The address of the new hospital will be 4 Valley Health Plaza, Paramus, New Jersey 07652 (For GPS, use 650 Winters Ave, Paramus, New Jersey 07652)

The timeline for our EMS partners is listed below.

• Saturday 4/13/24 6:00 am critical care divert begins

• Sunday 4/14/24 12:00 am full divert begins

• Sunday 4/14/24 6:00 am Ridgewood ED closes and Paramus ED opens (but will remain on divert)

• Sunday 4/14/24 8:00 am anticipated end divert

For more information on the relocation of the Valley Hospital, please visit


the Ridgewood blog has a brand-new twitter account, check for Valley Hospital Updates.
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15 thoughts on “Valley Hospital Preps to Make the Big Move

  1. And there goes all the donations from Valley to another town.

  2. What donations as compared to the services they use from the town. Valley Hospital has left get over it.

  3. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass…

  4. Good riddance to a VERY LARGE non tax paying user of municipal services.

    1. What? It will still remain a VERY LARGE non tax paying user. Are people really this clueless?

  5. It is a terrible and significant loss for the Village, one which will become more apparent as time goes on.

    1. The village wouldn’t approve renovations…..that’s what you get!

  6. Their moving a mile away. Whats the big deal.

  7. It was so nice to have it so nearby. Have used their ER 3 times in past few years, two of that was for our infant around midnight. It felt safe driving even during the dead of the night through local roads.

  8. It is going to get very interesting.

  9. Lost opportunity. Sunday will be a sad chapter in the history of Ridgewood. Unfortunately more to follow.

  10. Their CEO has an ego issue. Once they get a new CEO, which they will soon get, the relations with Ridgewood will become good again.
    The amount of money she has spent on this new building will keep them in debt for a while and will prompt a new leadership.

    1. Name a CEO without an ego issue. It is not about her. It was comforting and convenient having it so close, but it needed/wanted to expand and modernize. It could not do it there so they moved, and in the grand scheme of things pretty close.

  11. Congratulations to Valley Hospital and Paramus! Hope Ridgewood enjoys keeping the outdated, run down facility.

  12. Chick-fil-A almost ready to open. Paramus has that too!

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