>Valley Renewal : Residents of Ridgewood, we have a right to expect that the best interests of Ridgewood as a whole must be the determinant
Residents of Ridgewood, we have a right to expect that the best interests of Ridgewood as a whole must be the determinant.
If it is objectively and demonstrably in the best interests of Ridgewood that Valley receive approval for its expansion plans, then the Village Council should vote accordingly. They will obviously need to be prepared to defend their vote to those of us who disagree with it, but if they can do so with a straight face, then that is all we have a right to ask for as taxpayers and residents.
On the other hand, if it is not objectively and demonstrably in the best interests of Ridgewood as a whole that Valley receive approval for its expansion plans, then the Village Council should vote it down.
This is the single largest expansion plan of any business entity in village history, involving major changes to the village Master Plan. The onus is and must continue to be on Valley to demonstrate that Ridgewood’s best interests are being served. If a Ridgewood Council Member makes a decision in his or her political capacity to vote no on such a plan, he or she should not be placed in fear of any lawsuit.