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Van Dyk’s Ice Cream in Ridgewood has opened for the season

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photo courtesy of Ramon Hache

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, spring is in the air and Van Dyk’s Ice Cream  in Ridgewood has opened for the season. The local ice cream parlor reopened on March 2nd .

A longtime favorite of this Blog and of Ridgewood Mayor Hache , Van Dyk’s has many classic flavors . Mayor Hache paid a visit to Van Dyk’s to pick up his first dose of Salted Caramel Truffle in 2019

Van Dyk’s is open seven days a week 11:00 am till 9:00 pm according to their Facebook page.

Van Dyk’s Ice Cream
145 Ackerman Avenue
Ridgewood, NJ

7 thoughts on “Van Dyk’s Ice Cream in Ridgewood has opened for the season

  1. The best around.

  2. When the weather warms up they will stay open later.

  3. Peppermint stick!!!

  4. Peppermint stick sundae WITH HOT FUDGE. Yes.

  5. No no no, peppermint stick with chocolate sprinkles!

  6. How can you forget the fresh peach in the summer? They also have some not usually seen fruit flavors. Peppermint stick is for Christmas and the cold.

  7. Peppermint stick is totally refreshing on a hot summer day.

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