the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, looking like a bunch of pathetic cry babies ,(TONIGHT)Wednesday’s Village of Ridgewood council meeting will feature discussions on the appointment of a new village historian, a topic triggered by a letter from current historians Peggy Norris and Joe Suplicki to Katherine Marcopul of the State Historic Preservation Office.
The letter, sent last week, protests the proposed development plan for the Schedler property, approved by the village council in March. Suplicki, who also chairs the village’s Historic Preservation Commission, and Norris oppose the plan, which involves extensive tree clearing on the 7-acre site to make way for larger artificial turf sports fields. In their letter, the historians advocate for reconsideration of a 2018 council-approved plan, suggesting a less impactful child-size grass playing field with fewer trees removed.
Village Council Meeting Agenda Wednesday December 6th 2023
20231206 – Village Council Special Public Meeting Agenda
What a bunch of scumbags.
Jeezus…the 4 Dirtbags are following the Hillary Clinton playbook….get rid of all enemies.
I have had enough of all this Schedler nonsense…bulldoze the thing and sell off the land for a strip mall and let’s get some tax revenue. Enough! FFS, this fronts Route 17…who gives a shit?
AGREED!!! what a bunch of crap on both sides. Historic my ass, it is a POS that nobody uses or has used for years. Sell it to someone that will get us some tax revenue.
In theory, agreed, but in reality I sincerely doubt a cent of whatever revenue might be collected will go to picking up your leaves.
Oh look it is Mr. FFS!!
Just doing their jobs
What a bunch of council idiots. Its the liberal way. If u don’t agree w my narrative, I will cancel you, fire you because I do not have the facts or intelligence to have an honest discussion/debate
Worst Council in decades. Winograd tops the list of those who have no business running the Village.
Putting a ballfield near a highway is something a town in South Bergen would do.
like Ho Ho Kus half a mile up rt17?
That no one ever plays on. That field is never used in Ho-Ho-Kus on Route 17.
If Ridgewood is crying so much about not have a field, why not use the Ho-ho-kus field that literally no one ever uses. Location wise it is perfect for those kiddies and it is available so this should be a no brainer which shows you that what this is about is just having a new turf field in Ridgewood. Field envy is real people!
So, this sends a clear message to members of the zoning board of adjustment. Either vote that billboard in, or you will all be canned! Got to keep money coming into Gail prices law firm.
Right out of the totalitarian playbook – not even Orwell could have imagined these characters.
Agreed they should’ve just sold the land put on a medical building and get tax revenue, that’s no place for a ballfield. What a waste of money. This is never going to stop. It’s going to be one big money year after year. And it’s not just a mayor council. There are others behind this too. Don’t be fooled. Remember the mayor council don’t have the brains to fill out paperwork for the state, and as many losses in those forms if you get it. And you thought Hudson county was corrupt, believe me these power politicians Burton County are just as bad. They are slick, And they are going to bankrupt the village. They can’t even give us the numbers on revenue from the parking Authority. Because they know for the next 15 years it’s going to be a loss and guess what just remember that parking garage is only developed the last a certain amount of time , we until the big maintenance occurs, or any need to be replaced then what. they better just redevelop Valley Hospital site so they can have some big tax revenues. If not, you’re gonna see major cuts in the budget, major, furlough, layoffs the whole page they can’t just keep on borrowing money, and no money coming back. It doesn’t work that way, it’s one disaster after the next. I told you years ago they have a playbook and then not sharing it with anyone.
I’ll wait to see what Mrs. Due Diligence has to say. I rely on her expertise. [sarcasm alert]
Well, it is well-known that everything liberals touch, turns to sh!t. I am very happy that those who are having buyers remorse with this VC are now feeling the pain. Continue voting this way and you will see that you ain’t seen nothing yet, bbb baby.
Don’t forget. Elections have consequences. Voting needs brains which majority of this town doesn’t have, unfortunately.
The council should be ashamed if they are serious about this. No one knows more or cares more about the history of this town than Joe and Peggy. For decades they have tirelessly collected and organized materials, worked with the library, and made themselves available for related projects, all on their own time. No one could replace them. I am sure their letter was well researched, well founded, and carefully constructed.
It is increasingly clear that this council does not care about the town or its history or future or well being at all. Again–for shame, even to consider this.
This council wants a puppet. This wasn’t the first letter that Peggy and Joe wrote to SHPO. It was the 2nd of 2, so it is totally retaliation for not conforming. Siobahn brings Matt rogers around in her pocket book to scare the shade tree people into subission. Adam Brown gets $$$ from Ridgewood, so would never go against SW. It is really sad that people cannot speak freely and are treated in such a manner. Everyone can see right through this nonsense. This is turning into communist Russia.
Elections have consequences folks
I hope so…but now we’re gonna hear from Rich and Stupid.
Can they just build the field already?!
And waste more money.
The more you do the more you get it up your ass.
The house is completely renovated. A field on the east side of Ridgewood will no one any good.
Keep as is and move on.
If you want a field on the East side put it over by Glen School. There is ample room and it is a much bigger thoroughfare. I am sure Paul will love it over in his neighborhood too because he always says that he lives next to a school. Now he can live next to a school and a field.
The mayor wanted to be informed about the letter, all the while he is the very person who didn’t disclose the mortgage loan (notarized and dated June 2023) he gave to Ridgewood’s Parks and Rec Chair Richard Brooks and his wife, Gail Price. He didn’t think to tell anyone he was giving these great friends a mortgage loan to the tune of $47k with 10% interest, especially in light of the fact that Gail Price is the named partner of the law firm representing the giant billboard. How do we know the mortgage loan wasn’t some kind of payoff (allegedly).
Double standard, wouldn’t ya say there Paul?
Again.!! your local public, education or government access content provider (which is VERIZON fios) is not broadcasting at this time!!!!
Note to IT dept. – plug it in!
Meeting is not being broadcast on VERIZON FIOS !!? Again ? Can’t watch it.
It’s amazing the villages in one big mess, just when you thought the village is at its lowest more happens. Like they say the villages in the toilet they are complete followers now they will never ever be the leaders like they used to be. Across the board, they lost all the real old-fashioned experience. Now it’s a bunch of puppets walking around in a days. What a shame. Good luck.
I can only watch on the Official YouTube / Public Access Channel for the Village of Ridgewood.
The Verizon FIOS TV channel 34 is not working, Village not broadcasting , not plugged in.
Enough. We are talking about a Ridgewood residential community that has the right to demand that a 2018 agreement be upheld. What I don’t understand is why a council member who grew up in this town and represents all residents is shoving a revised plan that will NEVER get executed, wasting time and tax payer money! Is the grant money to New Jersey Historic Preservation going to get refunded? No! Kudos to Peggy Norris – she understands the importance of preserving an 1825 Zabriskie property. Given the negative press today (that makes our town council look terrible) I hope it’s enough to finally get residents to mobilize and stop these idiots in office but in the meantime let’s all write to the NJ Historic Preservation and address what’s going on in out town – and please mention the easement on the property!
Bulldoze baby bulldoze!
SMSA – a “city” is defined as a population of 25K people or more…time to let go of the “village” thing.
Just saying…I don’t recall Peggy or joe ppl pshowing up to a VC meeting to protest the field plans until, they were told they would be requested to retire as town historians. Now all of a sudden they wrote a letter.
All of these committees are being scared into submission. Matt Rogers attended the Shade Tree Committee so that he could help the members better understand their role, and were told that they were not being asked for their opinion. Same thing with Historic Preservation. They were never asked to vote but then later there was a “unanimous” vote? It isn’t true and the gavel was looming to push them out and place a robot who doesn’t really know that much about Ridgewood history except for the very info you can google. So they get their paid puppet which is what they want. People should know the truth.
Yeah, not even close. Get your facts before writing incomplete “truths”.
Who’s really running the show, things being done are not just coming from the mayor in Council period. Period. Have you noticed in the past 10 years or so the same thoughts and process still occur. I have noticed that it doesn’t matter who the mayor or counselor, and at times the village manager, just the same information keeps coming towards us. So what that tells us is that there’s someone else behind the curtain that are pulling the strings at times, there are others that have genders. They know who they are I know who they are, now I want them to know that I know what they’ve been doing. so they’re not that smart, a little bit slick. But that’s about it. I figured it out. You would think if they had a set of balls they’ll give me a call let’s have the meeting but that’s OK. A few of us got your number. I would be extremely careful via were you, because legally I would be worrying. That’s why I use multiple lawyers for people like you. We got our eyeballs on you.
This is way to vaugue. You should call them out or provide some additional details so that they really know you know.
Mr. Crow, is there a chance you’re hallucinating? if not, bring the names on this blog or call the puppet masters out. Not that it matters much. Half will think they knew already, the other half would think you’re a conspiracist. It is like national politics. Half knows who’s behind brandon, the other half calls the previous half fascists. It’s a great circus.
Watching over hybrid, I noticed that Paul mentioned the fact that Peggy and Joe did not live in Ridgewood, this is laughable. That would mean that every person not physically living in Ridgewood should not have the job because they would not be close enough to the day to day. What a load of BS. This mayor should just continue to do what he does best, make money, run his businesses and whatever other shady as SH** schemes he is up to, help bail out his friends Gail Price and Richard Brooks who still have not paid their property taxes (allegedly) and STFU.
Did anyone notice that the baseball bully was there. He might have been intimidated (allegedly) as both chief of police and chief of FD were both there. There was no slapping last night.
With apologies to Judy Collins…
Where are the clowns…?
Don’t you love farce…?
Send in the clowns…don’t bother, they’re here…
Donnie baseball
Because they don’t live in town. Well, how many employees we have working for the village that live in Midlandpark they don’t live in town.
How many writers of “The Blog” live out of town? How many commenters?
When playing the game 2 truths and a lie (Ridgewood Village version, 2023):
1) We have seen this mayor and council lie, cheat and scheme to get their field at Schedler;
2) We have seen this group intimidate their committees through methodical manipulation and divisiveness and in an effort to keep them as submissive as possible;
3)The village wants to make people believe there was a unanimous vote on the Schedler plan.
The message to this mayor and VC, is to stop scheming, stop lying and stop cheating taxpayers with your crazy plots (like the shady consultant who isn’t worth the price of a can of beans). It is really sad that you can continue your charade and many people are tuned into your diabolical BS. You are complete narcissists and the biggest bunch of hypocrites and if you haven’t already ruined Ridgewood, many fear that you will by the time you are done with your terms.
So far this council has gotten caught in how many lies?
We can start with campaign promises (Siobahn) who did her bait and switch, then they schemed to keep everthing cloaked in a veil of secrecy, but here’s the thing. People share info, people find out that you are lying. The truth always comes out and in the end you look really bad that you cannot keep it together and that this Mayor and council is a hot mess and will screw up anything left that is good in this village. this is not about hearts and minds anymore, it is a cut throat business where the mayor only cares about what lines his pockets and the birds of a feather he flocks together with, like Price and Brooks and this supposed loan, looks really bad for all of them. Evan is a do nothing complainer, Pam, the former tree hugger, can take her sustainability plaque and hang it on the wall (talk about imposter syndrome) and they should all be recalled as they are a horrible example of what municipal government should be.
Pam and her plaque. Wonder what Columbia School of International and Public Affairs would think about her vote on the giant field, cutting down hundreds of trees and advocating for kids to play on a highway where toxic particulates will come flying off the roadway. Pam, what you need to do is draw a line in the sand and take a position and you are either all in or you are not. Greenwashing is having one foot in and one foot out, you don’t get to have it both ways, Pam. Sorry to let you in on this groundbreaking newsflash. What do you really stand for. Please pick a lane.
Paul said he learned some wonderful things after celebrating a Divali festival recently. Divali is one of the holiest days on the Hindu calendar and the things Paul learned, he will keep in his back pocket because they are such wonderful words of wisdom:
It is the celbration of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.
I think he could certainly learn a thing or two on how to apply these concept and become a responsible municipal leader and not someone who is constantly trying to enhance his personal portfolio or by trying to run our great village into the ground.
I gotta tell you the village thinks they’re slick. they just sneaky, slimy bad people don’t trust any of them from the top going down. especially top management.
I blame Evan Weiss for this debacle. First of all, he is the village council liaison for the Historic preservation commission and is pushing to have an employee, Sarah Keifer, become the new Chair and Village historian. She may be slightly knowledgable about Ridgewood history, but doesn’t know half as much as Peggy and Joe and actually needed to rely on them for real historical details, so what is the point of having her in the role, well you guessed it…suppression. That being said, they can keep her quiet because she is an employee, so that works out perfect for a mayor and village council who don’t want to recognize history all so they ccan cram their field onto the Schedler property. They also came up with some baloney that the person should live in Ridgewood so they can be closer to the day to day. Meanwhile, I don’t believe that Sarah Keifer even lives in Ridgewood.
the Schedler property holds zero historical value
Wrong ,not much of a history buff are you