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Village of Ridgewood Controversial “Historic Preservation” Consultant is Being Sued

Peter Primavera Copy

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Peter Primavera, Jr., the controversial historic preservation consultant hired by the Ridgewood Village Council is back in the news. In April Mr. Primavera outlined the scope of his proposed work for the Council after summarizing his educational background, professional credentials, and related work experience. At the time the Ridgewood blog reported on his dubious past which was ignored by the council .

Now Peter Primavera, Jr. is being sued in superior court in New Jersey.


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27 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood Controversial “Historic Preservation” Consultant is Being Sued

  1. No need now to wonder why our application was not accepted by NJDEP on the first go round. Wasted tax dollars.

    1. The application was complete and total shit. An eleventh grader could have done a better job. The State sent it back saying it was not professional. VM can dance around with his BS because they spent actual tax money to t I ghten it up. At the end of the day it was a complete shitshow unless your standards are sub par.

  2. When are the test coming back from the EPA?

    1. NJDEP, not EPA.

    2. Testing hasn’t even started yet.

  3. So why is he being sued?

    1. Failure to deliver what was promised via a signed contract. Cost his client a shitload of money.

      1. You gotta love what they are suing him for. Allegedy “fraudulent inducement” and other gems. Batter up, Peter! The judge isn’t going to like it if you try to rattle on for 90 minutes without taking a breath. I guess on this project you didn’t understsand your assignment now did ya?

    2. Breach of contract.

  4. Fraud alert. Spinmeister.

    Surprised he’s not on the National Security Advisor team run by Jack Sullivan.

    1. Post of the day !

  5. If you recall, he was recommended to Mayor Paul Vagianos by Gail Price.

    1. Sounds about right. 4 more years of Vagianos & this place will have furloughs, highest taxes in Bergen and toxic turf everywhere. Voters wake up!

    2. Doesn’t surprise me that these dirty birds of a feather would flock together. Both have multi suits against them for separate incidents allegedly. It is so allegedly immoral when these alleged mis conducts arise.

  6. Elections have consequences — vote them out. Wasting $$ on pet projects propped up by known frauds

  7. Whenever I was in meetings with people that spoke wildly with their hands I knew I was getting a load of bullspit….

  8. Is there anyone else in line to be the mayor who’s qualified? I’m sure there’s someone behind the curtain.

  9. This shady consultant’s list has grown larger with even more shady as sh*t dealings and still the Mayor, Paul Vagianos, Siobahn Whinograd (his self proclaimed informant who drove him around town), Evan Weitz (Mr. Compliance Due Diligence) and Pam Perron were all singing his praises, even Kazmark tried to tow the company line, even while they all knew about his lawsuits and leins and misrepresenting himself and the projects he said he was working on. It seems that it was too late to fall on their sword because they propped him up as their “expert” with special relationships that would help them with their application to the State and NJDEP. Now new claims have popped, which should not be a surprise to anyone. When are people going to learn that where there is smoke there is fire. Thanks to Gail Price for seemingly always being on the wrong end of things for Ridgewood bringing him here in the first place and also to Mayor Vagianos for collaborating with him to scheme our village and cost tax dollars that suit their own selfish special interests. They should all 4 be ashed of themselves.

  10. Take a ride on the hot mess express hosted by our very own shady consultant who got paid a lot of our tax dollars for basically doing nada which is something he is obviously skilled in. He majored in Con Econimics.

  11. I don’t care about anything but the dirt pile.

    1. Dirt pike or dirt bags? We hot lots of those.

  12. Birds of a feather flock together. Paul Vagianos and Council majority knew the consultant is a fraud and didn’t care.

  13. And this was after Peter Primavera falsified identities to the Village of Ridgewood without any consequence.

  14. Next tax dollar flunk will be the 340 thousand dollar pavilion for healthbarn. Thanks council, Bigios and KK. Feed us poison water but build a pavilion for a business taking over Habernickel Park . #crabgrassspreads

  15. Doesn’t seem to bode well for Mayor Vagianos or the village of Ridgewood. especially as Vagianos is trying to get re-elected for another term. How can we trust that anything he says is truthful and that he does not stand to benefit in some way by making choices that do not benefit the people he was elected to represent.

    1)Vagianos was introduced to Primavera prior to becoming mayor by his friend Gail Price (also partner in law firm associated with digital billboard)
    note: Vagianos lends Price an alleged $47,000.00 “mortgage loan” with interest.
    2) Vagianos brings Primavera to village hall to start meeting with manager and engineer prior to becoming Mayor
    3) Background checks performed by the village conveniently do not consist of negative news or bad references and due diligence performed by several residents provided clear facts that all of the pieces did not add up and there was past history of leins, judgements, etc.
    4) Consultant is later hired to move the Schedler project forward-paid over $30,000.00 tax dollars.
    5) Consultant provides inconsistent verification information to village CFO and others employees on his company, that include various names, various addresses and various business EIN numbers which do not match.

    Yet Vagianos knew about problems that existed, like the the illegal soil dumping for example and did nothing to ensure the safety and security of residents who would utilize the property.

    Others complicit in this scheming are Weitz and Perron and Whinograd who all stood by Primavera and sang his praises. Obviously in light of this and all of the information that has come to light, none of these people can be trusted to be honest, transparent or have the ability to use good judgement. This entire group should be recalled and a fresh clean slate should be enacted to ensure that Ridgewood can more forward without seemingly ethical dilemas that leave us perplexed.

  16. Just look into his former company. You will see falsified credentials on older reports filed with the State.

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