the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, daily parking rates are about to skyrocket in the Village of Ridgewood . The Daily parking rate is going from $7 to $10 per day in the village of Ridgewood parking lots for residents following the Village Council’s Work Session Wednesday evening.
The increase came as no surprise as Mayor Susan Knudsen recommended the $10 rate while Chief Financial Officer Robert Rooney and Village Manager Heather Mailander recommended a $12 rate.
Village residents must have a resident sticker to utilize the daily rates that are operated by ParkMobile and cover residents from 6 am to 2 am.
Gotta pay for that hideously ugly garage!
“To Skyrocket” ?
Haven’t they already skyrocketed?
Hyper inflation is here to stay. Only toys from China – made by slaves – are still cheap.
People will just go elsewhere to shop. Poor shop owners.
Will the by hour rate be going up also?
What is the difference between daily rate and having to pay hourly?
Is daily rate separate parking permit option for residents?
I assiduously avoid the CBD so this won’t be a problem.
These increases (and future increases) are baked in the cake.
There are about 12 million reasons for the increases.
Math has not been cancelled.
People have already abandoned shopping in the CBD due to the high cost of parking compared to surrounding towns and the punitive measures mentioned again at last nights meeting to ticket anything moving and not moving.
Aren’t we the taxpayers paying for this garage for the next 20 years, and how much is it to park your car in my hand for the month 600 or more. I wonder if they can sell monthly passes. I do know when New Jersey transit built the parking garage up in Ramsey next to £.17 they were renting out Parking spot to car dealers.
We wonder what that property is worth it to Village decides to sell it. Let somebody else by it and manage it
Your absolutely right I’m shopping elsewhere.
Next step is to open the garage to apartment residents at a deep discount since it is empty all the time. This has been the plan all along
CBD is dead to me.
Glen Rock – Free Parking
Post office in Midland Park and HoHokus – free parking lot
Westwood 25 cents for 4 hours.
“the malls” – free parking
“online shopping” – no parking required, delivery to my door.
Thanks for killing Ridgewood CBD…. idiots.
I live in the CBD and consistently get ticketed by these scumbags. I work from home so I do happen to miss my parking expiration and immediately get hit with a ticket as if they’re waiting for my meter to expire every time. Unbelievable.
June 23 person. Didn’t you know about the CBD parking situation when you moved in?