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file photo by Boyd  Loving

Heather A. Mailander , Village Manager

Ridgewood NJ, All residents have received a yellow postcard with the leaf collection program requirements. A copy of the postcard is attached to this E-Notice, so that you can print it out if you wish to do so. The leaf collection areas are based on yardwaste areas (A-D), with certain exceptions listed for Area D, during leaf season only. The leaf collection is currently on schedule. The schedule will be updated on the Village website,, as needed. Please click on the swirling leaf icon for more information. All areas have been picked up once and some are putting out their leaves for their second leaf placement, at this time.

Leaves are to be placed along the curbline, in the street, only during the leaf placement dates listed for your area on the postcard. You may not place leaves into the street after the last leaf placement date for your area, until the next round of leaf placement dates for your area. If you employ a landscaper, please communicate your leaf placement dates to them. Please be aware that leaves placed in the street, after the street is complete, may result in a summons being issued.

No brush will be collected during leaf season. In addition, do not place trash, stones, branches, twigs or other yardwaste into the leaf piles.

You may place your leaves in biodegradable paper bags, between the curb and sidewalk (not in the street), at any time and they will be picked up by our collection crews, as time permits. Do not use plastic bags for leaf collection. You may also bring your leaves to the Recycling Center during their regular hours.

To locate your area for yardwaste collection, go to the Village website, click on My Village Services Lookup and enter your address to find your respective area.

If you have any questions regarding the leaf collection program, call the Street Division at


  1. Snows coming, are you prepared, talk about being behind the eight ball. What a shame.

  2. I live in area A by Benjamin Franklin Middle School. Our next leaf placement days begin Nov. 23. Most of the block already put their leaves out on the street regardless.
    I received an e-notice on Sunday, Nov. 11 from Heather Mailander Village Manager reminding residents of the placement days and stating that a summons may be given if leaves are placed in street before the official placement days. I answered her email, stating that many residents on North Van Dien in front of B. F. already have their leaves out. I asked her if the rules will be enforced. I said it is the town’s responsibility to enforce the rules. Is the town serious when they ask us to adhere to the placement days?

    I go through the trouble of bagging my leaves in big contractor bags and saving them until the proper placement days and then lugging them to the curb. I am a 75-year-old woman.
    I have not received a reply from Heather Mailander. What kind of town is this?
    Ya know what. I am never going to rake or mulch, with my lawn mower, another goddamned leaf again. Only in the the driveway, and leaves close to my neighbor’s house, for politeness sake. I am damn mad. You obey the rules and get no reply.

  3. Area C – 2nd pickup was not done at all 11/7- 11/12 placement and leaf bags not picked up, Snow plows pushed all snow covered leaf piles down the curb line into everyone’s else’s driveway openings. Now new revised schedule on village website: area C – 3rd Revised Leaf Placement Dates: Nov. 29 – December 9 (third pick-up)

  4. Presumably, the placement dates for Area B will remain as published in the schedule – 12/3 to 12/9 -even though no attempt was made to collect the leaves in “B” after the storm. Seems it could have been done if even on a limited basis.

  5. B’s a mess! Last Thurs, late morning a Downe’s tree vac truck with: a blower, raker and chase truck came up the north side of North Monroe past Morningside- never to be seen again on the south side of North Monroe. This was followed by the “Murphy’s Law” storm ( rain, sleet and heavy, wet snow and no sidewalks on narrow streets like Jackson Terrace and stretches of North Monroe and Morningside in the Willard School are very dangerous for cars, pedestrians and kids walking to school.

  6. They are doing area C now. They just came down Ridgewood Ave. The they are working as hard a s they can.

  7. Area C PUT OUT AT CURB DAYS are 11/7 – 11/12. These are the days you are supposed to put your leaves out, not the days they will be picked up…. Pick up will occur after 11/12/18. They are picking up in Area C now. . . . they just did my house.

  8. Can we get the landscaper fees reimbursed when the town does not come close to meeting their own published schedules? Weather events happen, build some contingency in the schedule or a recovery plan. This is not rocket science.

    The town missing dates is ignored, if a resident does it they get a hefty fine. Town missing dates requires added resident efforts and or landscaper costs. It also creates a driving hazard for extended periods of time

    For us, this is our last winter, Ridgewood has beat us at every level from leaves to parking fees, to obscene school costs, and just amateurs running the programs that are supposed to serve the residents. Too bad

  9. I live on Grove Street. Cars and heavy trucks thunder by from 6am to 6.30pm. Speed limit enforcement is sporadic and has no discernable effect. This is a year long problem. What’s this got to with leaf collection? Read on. I try to minimize encroaching into the street with my leaf pile for obvious reasons. The collection schedules are not met and the traffic blows the leaves back on to my property. I carefully rake them back into the street. The collection schedules are not met. Traffic blows them back. I carefully rake them back into the street. When the leaf collection crew finally shows up (unannounced), they do not rake or vacuum up the leaves that have been blown back. Solution: just cut out this sorry excuse of a service and reduce our property taxes by the equivalent cost of a full landscaper service. And don’t get me started on having to clear my sidewalk of frozen snow that resembles cured concrete as thrown by heavy plows thundering by…

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