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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Village Hall Court Room – 7:00 P.M.


Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Statement required by the Open Public Meeting Act “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in the Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including date and time of this meeting”.

Please note: A curfew of 11:00 PM is strictly adhered to by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Village of Ridgewood. No new matter involving an Applicant will be started after 10:30 PM. At 10:00 PM the Chairman will make a determination and advise Applicants as to whether they will be heard. If an Applicant cannot be heard because of the lateness of the hour, the matter will be carried over to a future meeting to be determined by the Board at 10:00 PM.

Roll call

Minutes:          March 28, 2023

Non-agenda items:

            Board member comments

            Members of the public comments

Public hearings

Old Business:

OUTFRONT MEDIA LLC – An application for preliminary and final major site plan approval for the construction and operation of a single pole, double faced, digital multimessage advertising sign which is a prohibited use and will result in a second principal use; expansion of an existing non-conforming use and bulk variance relief at 500 Route 17 South, Block 4703, Lot 10, in the OB-2 Zone. (Continued from August 23, 2022; Carried from January 31, 2023 without further notice)

New Business:

GREGORY WEIDNER & PAMELA LEWIS – An application to permit the construction of 2 false overlay roofs which would result in a front yard of 31.1 feet and 38.4 feet where 50 feet is required for the Property located at 96 Lawrence Court, Block 1510, Lot 20, in an R-110 Zone.

CY CORNERSTONE, LLC – An application for use variance approval to allow the vacant first floor space to be utilized as a nail salon, and for approval to allow any other commercial use which is permitted in the B-2 Zone at 848 East Ridgewood Avenue, Block 4203, Lot 5, in an R-2 Zone.


9 thoughts on “VILLAGE OF RIDGEWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA Tuesday, April 11, 2023 – 7:00 P.M.

  1. If this eyesore is approved, Ridgewood is truly over…..

  2. This is a “No” from me!

  3. I love it, perfect for the village. Enjoy.

  4. Exactly. Where is this going to be who is going to benefit from this is the village receiving any monthly leasing on this?

  5. You guys aren’t being very business-friendly.

    There’s a market for a billboard. Doesn’t matter if it’s ugly or is detrimental to the town; doesn’t matter if the residents don’t want it. There’s money to be made. Therefore, it should be done if someone wants to do it.

    Or are you guys not “lassiez-faire, free-market” advocates?

  6. Dangerous to give drivers one more distraction. No!!!

  7. thanks for posting. this stuff is BURIED on the Village website which is poorly designed and difficult to navigate
    Important info like this should be on the first page..
    AND…. all of these applications for variances should go out on email blasts since they affect all of us, not just abutters

    1. “thanks for posting. this stuff is BURIED on the Village website which is poorly designed and difficult to navigate”

      Let me correct this:
      thanks for posting. this stuff is BURIED on the Village website which is INTENTIONALLY poorly designed and difficult to navigate

      1. One of the worst websites I have ever seen. It is like a maze.

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