still unofficial with the numbers
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
unofficial updates to follow 5698 voted 34.04% of total voters
Jeffery Voigt 3839 67.37%
Janice M. Willett 1803 31.64%
Evan Weitz 1736 30.47%
Bernadette Coghlan-Walsh 3611 63.37%
Richard S. Brooks 1656 29.06%
Ramon M. Hache 3867 67.87%
Ridgewood NJ, Voigt, Hache and Walsh in a Landslide Victory in Ridgewood Council Race .Six candidates were running for three, four-year terms on the Ridgewood Village Council in this year’s non-partisan election. In what could only be called one of the most contentious elections in many years. With None of the three incumbents seeking re-election it was a wide open race .
Hopefully Mayor Hache will be able to control the tax and spend liberals on the Council and limit municipal tax increases to less than 2%, as well as ensure that the Village agenda isn’t dominated by special interests like FoS, and anti-Valley gang
the special interests lost the election
If this is all the Lovings’ doing, they are wasting their time in the burbs and should head for Washington.
7:28 – do share more on this rant. . Inquiring vocal minority wants to know.
Now that Lorraine, Gail, Anne, Dana, etc. have what they want they should step up and become part of the process. Join a few of the many committees since you won’t have anything to complain about at the council meetings. We can find someone else to record each meeting and post it on Youtube.
and what are you doing beside trolling ?
As poorly as the three Amigo-backed Village Council candidates did in this election, two of the three of them got more votes than did Gwen Hauck herself!
That is, when Gwen Hauck ran for office in 2012.
@10:52..yes! finally a council will include them! So sad that with this current council they were never brought into the process despite their tremendous efforts to be heard (attending every meeting including some county meetings, writing editorials, letters and emails, asking questions consistently though no answers every followed, etc.).
District 14 (includes Schedler neighborhood) candidates won by a 4-1 margin.
It’s kind of comforting to know that EVERY district was won by Voight, Walsh and Hache. Everyone supported these three candidates throughout the Village. No once can point a finger at the Travell or Somerville areas and say that it was the anti-valley faction or any other faction for for that matter. The Village was unanimous and consistent in the voting.
9:39- There is no “anti Valley gang.” But if you are referring to the CRR, well this vote showed that besides them there are a hell of a lot of people in this town who are fed up with being treated like dummies. Let’s hope the judge hearing this case rethinks her position.
Ha! Something tells me we’re going to have lots of opportunities to hear from judges now about ridgewood’s future and it’s not going to be that they changed their minds. Have you even once heard of a judge changing their mind? Because of an election??
all the time
@6:50, well yeah it is a problem because our council and planning board had no spines. If you look all around bergen county, dumont, upper saddle, paramus (there are other examples), when developers have sued in general they got less than asking and gave more back to the community. We did not negotiate AT ALL and got NOTHING in return. No infrastructure help, no extra money for low income housing.
6:50-Well I have heard of a judge changing his mind on a case after hearing more facts on an ongoing matter. Because of an election, no. But have stranger things happened, yes. And by the way, wouldn’t a ruling in Valley’s favor be “unprecedented?”