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“Walking School Bus day” Phenomenon Hits the Village of Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of the Ridgewood School District

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, there was a phenomenon in the Village this past week with large groups of children, walking together, yes walking to school .  The phenomenon is known as “Walking School Bus day”.

Walk to School Day is an international holiday celebrated in October each year with the aim of encouraging students to walk to school. This initiative offers several benefits, including improving students’ health, fostering independence and confidence, and ensuring that they arrive at school ready to learn. During Walk to School Day events, thousands of communities come together to organize fun and safe activities that promote walking to school. These events bring families, teachers, city staff, and community members together to walk, while also educating children and families about the advantages of walking. In the United States, approximately 5,000 schools participate in this event, and the number continues to grow each year, with hundreds more joining in.

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5 thoughts on ““Walking School Bus day” Phenomenon Hits the Village of Ridgewood

  1. Like we never walked to and from school when we were kids.

    Sometimes we even did it at lunch time.

      1. sometimes we hitch-hiked up Monroe from GW

  2. I am shocked that there are parents in Ridgewood who allow their children to walk to school. Absolutely shocked.

    1. Don’t be concerned.
      They are only allowing it to up their Woke and Green Creds.

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