BEIJING — The head of a Chinese firm that is building the world’s biggest animal cloning factory has vowed not to use the technology on people — for now, at least.
Biotech company Boyalife Group’s $30 million facility in the coastal city of Tianjin will produce embryos of cattle as well as racehorses and contraband-sniffing dogs when it becomes operational next year.
“No, we don’t do human cloning, we won’t make Frankensteins,” said Dr. Xu Xiaochun, its chief executive. “The technology we have is very advanced … [but if uncontrolled] technology can also do damage … Every technology has to have a boundary.”
As a 12-year-old, Xu became fascinated with plant cloning. Now aged 44, he is leading China’s charge to become a world leader in cloning technology.
“Our primary focus is prime quality beef,” Xu told NBC News in an exclusive interview, noting that China’s cattle industry hasn’t traditionally focused on meat production.